name: ibwhnt
city: buck
Area: Grand Forks
Date: Wednesday June 16, 2004
Time: 04:47:30 PM
The ramp should be open by this weekend. I noticed a few boats down there yesterday but I'm not sure how much mud was on the ramp. I'm hoping the water goes down enough to get on the north ramp this weekend. As for bait I would stick with fresh cut bait for larger fish and worms for catching eaters.
name: ibwhnt
city: buck
Area: Grand Forks
Date: Wednesday June 16, 2004
Time: 04:47:07 PM
The ramp should be open by this weekend. I noticed a few boats down there yesterday but I'm not sure how much mud was on the ramp. I'm hoping the water goes down enough to get on the north ramp this weekend. As for bait I would stick with fresh cut bait for larger fish and worms for catching eaters.
name: dick
city: akron
Area: Grand Forks
Date: Wednesday June 16, 2004
Time: 02:45:47 PM
was wondering if the cats r on the bite around grand forks and if so whats the hot bait right now.am thinkin about heading up there from iowa for the weekend,any help would be appreciated.
name: dick
city: akron
Area: Grand Forks
Date: Wednesday June 16, 2004
Time: 02:45:44 PM
was wondering if the cats r on the bite around grand forks and if so whats the hot bait right now.am thinkin about heading up there from iowa for the weekend,any help would be appreciated.
name: dick
city: akron
Area: Grand Forks
Date: Wednesday June 16, 2004
Time: 02:43:27 PM
are the cats on the bite in grand forks area.if so whats the hot bait.am thinkin about coming up from iowa this weekend.
name: dick
city: akron
Area: Grand Forks
Date: Wednesday June 16, 2004
Time: 02:43:07 PM
are the cats on the bite in grand forks area.if so whats the hot bait.am thinkin about coming up from iowa this weekend.
name: dick
city: akron
Area: Grand Forks
Date: Wednesday June 16, 2004
Time: 02:42:15 PM
are the cats on the bite in grand forks area.if so whats the hot bait.am thinkin about coming up from iowa this weekend.
name: lee
city: akron
Area: Grand Forks
: tb1fan2003@yahoo
Date: Wednesday June 16, 2004
Time: 02:40:43 PM
was wondering if the river is back in the banks and if i guy could put a boat in at the ramp by the bridge in east grand forks this weekend.thanx a bunch
name: ibwhnt
city: Grand Forks
Area: Grand Forks
Date: Wednesday June 16, 2004
Time: 09:40:28 AM
Well how we do this year guys in the Fish Winnipeg Corporate/Media Challenge. Were the CARP on the bite. Just wanted to hear how it went. Later
name: Darin
city: Dilworh MN
Date: Tuesday June 15, 2004
Time: 01:30:53 PM
I plan on going fishing up at sakakawea on the weekend of the 25, i heard that water levers are low and its hard to launch you boat, and are the walleyes moved shallow yet? thanks
name: Scoot
city: Fargo
Remote Name:
Date: 06/15/2004
Time: 12:50:28 PM
I've been using Kirsch's mapping software for a few years now and I think it's great. I don't know of a slicker way to find fish-holding structure than to make use of this technology with my gps. I haven't made use of the Devil's Lake maps yet (I got 'em, just haven't been out yet since I got 'em), but I hear they're right on. I can't wait to make use of them!!!
name: Scoot
city: Fargo
Area: Fargo
Date: Tuesday June 15, 2004
Time: 12:47:12 PM
Rumor has it that the fish are still on the feed, but headed for spawning areas. Other people on this end of the river seeing the same thing? I'd imagine we've got another week or so to catch cats before it gets really tough. Then a week or 10 day break in the action followed by a flurry of action during the post spawn feed. Scoot
Name: Corey
City: Bismarck
Remote Name:
Date: Tuesday June 15, 2004
Time: 10:30:01 AM
Fritz: I would certainly be interested in a fishing trip!..especially ice fishing. I made it up there last winter and limited on perch both days but most were smallish 7-10 inchers. I wanna get some of those pigs that Devils Lake is famous for! I was considering the Casino Cup tourny that was held there this weekend, but my cousin got married. I guess no matter how much it hurts, sometimes fishing has to take a back seat. Do you have any idea who won it, or how much weight it took??
Name: fritz
City: Devils
Remote Name:
Date: Monday June 14, 2004
Time: 01:03:17 PM
Yep, never underestimate the ND hunter. Especially when we're upset. I vote strickly republican, but this year I'm voting for satrom. I don't think Dean Hilldebrant did a bad job, just think we need somebody with different points of view.
As for Hoeven, he will get what's coming. When he doesn't get re-elected, he will know why. He got elected on a lot of unfulfilled promises. Now it is pay back time.
I know a lot of ultra conservatives, who will also be voting for Satrom. GRRRRRREAT
name: ibwhnt
city: Grand Forks
Area: Comment
Date: Monday June 14, 2004
Time: 09:12:44 AM
Brad, Not sure what Stu has planned so I Just wanted to say it was nice knowing you. HEHEHE Good luck in Winnipeg. Maybe a back to back. Good luck Guys
name: Canuck
city: Lockport
Area: Canada
Date: Monday June 14, 2004
Time: 07:15:47 AM
It WILL be fun. Different but FUN.
Name: Dave
City: Minot
Remote Name:
Date: Monday June 14, 2004
Time: 12:24:46 AM
Fritz, we've seen some bold statements made by the current administration. I believe they are grossly underestimating the ND hunters. The statements was made that the complaining voices in ND regarding leased commercialized hunting is a small voice of a few. Interesting???
Satrom's campaign police as stated on his web site is provided below and worth reading:
[Hunting and Natural Resource Management – Let the Professionals Do the Job]
Our State needs a Governor who will appoint a professionally prepared and experienced natural resources administrator and empower and trust this leadership with responsibility for the management of wildlife resources in North Dakota, relying on professionals to re-establish the State’s stature as a conservation-minded, hospitable place for resident and non-resident hunters. Effective, creative leadership and management will protect and enhance our wildlife resources, rebuild relationships with private landowners and communities highly dependent on recreational clientele, increase habitats available for public hunting, enhance private landowner participation, [***deter or regulate the large-scale leasing of land by guides and outfitters***], improve the management of the public lands, meet the needs of North Dakota’s taxpaying, resident hunter population and be a tool that demonstrates the open and friendly nature of our state and its citizens. In a Satrom administration, if there is going to be land leased for hunting it should be leased for public use by the State Game and Fish Department, rather than by out of state hunters.
name: Stu McKay
city: Lockport
Area: Canada
: redcats@mts.net
Date: Sunday June 13, 2004
Time: 09:47:38 AM
Hey Brad......since you'll be fishing with me in the Fish Winnipeg Corporate/Media Challenge Tuesday Morning, be prepaired for something a little off the wall, something a little different from the everyday norm. I'll leave there........you'll have to wait until Tuesday morning !
Fish Hard!
Name: fritz
City: devils
Remote Name:
Date: Friday June 11, 2004
Time: 06:22:59 PM
Dave, I will quit hunting if that is what happens. WHy?? I've seen the best of the best. Why settle for second best??
And yes, the NR policies against the people of ND are unfair. But do you hear us complaining, NO. Why is that?? It must be a totally different world here in ND.
name: Brad
city: Grand Forks
Area: Canada
Date: Thursday June 10, 2004
Time: 11:20:53 PM
I will be up there for Fish Winnipeg but I will be unable to get over to Lockport for another show. The wife is still on vacation and won't get the pictures in until Monday. I'm glad the pics got there. I'll have to send you the rest some day.
name: Brad
city: Lockport
Area: Canada
: jstinson@mb.sympatico.ca
Date: Thursday June 10, 2004
Time: 09:04:17 PM
Yes Brad I got them and they look great. I was just curious if Lisa took them to work. Too bad you don't have a way to post them on this bb. Sure hope U will be able to make it up on the 15th June for a show and Fish Winnipeg. Had a Grandfather, son and grandson (11yrs) out today, the end was once in a life time thing. All three hooked up at about the same time and it was Chinese fire drill as we were in the fast current. They were 34", 35" and a 37" fatty. I have them for 2 more days if their arms don't wear out.
name: fritz
city: devils
Remote Name:
Date: 06/10/2004
Time: 04:31:58 PM
<ooops! Lake Trax is our newest sponsor - Scott>
name: Kirsch
city: Fargo
: laketrax@hotmail.com
Remote Name:
Date: 06/10/2004
Time: 12:05:47 PM
EXCITING NEWS: Devils Lake GPS contour map just released.
Devils Lake GPS contour map has just been released and is called Lake Trax Pro. It is the only map of its kind. It is based on current water levels of 1448 and includes a large portion of Pelican Lake as well. It works with most Magellan and Garmin mapping GPS units and will be available for Lowrance units in the future. It includes many underwater roads and other key features such as humps, bars, rock piles and many other fish holding areas.
You can read more about this exciting new product at http://www.laketrax.com or go to your local Scheels store and ask for Lake Trax Pro - Devils Lake.
name: Brad
city: Grand Forks
Area: Canada
Date: Thursday June 10, 2004
Time: 10:08:36 AM
Didn't you get my email? I sent you some of the pics we took. The wife has all of them printed and is putting together albums for the coffee table so she can show everyone that comes over that she is now the CAT QUEEN.
I have bought some powerhandles. I decided not to update all of my reels and just replace two of them with 7000s.
Drop me an email so I can make sure I have the right address.
Name: Dave
City: Minot
Remote Name:
Date: Wednesday June 09, 2004
Time: 11:30:20 PM
Corey, to your previous post. I hear you regarding Lake Oahe. The battle for Sakakawea has been a long one. The Corp. has regulatory control of these water ways. Thus the State gains little ground when butting heads with a US Government Agency at this level. Regardless of the impact that allowing more water out these dams has, downstream dollars win!
Fritz, democracy is a beautiful thing. There are some really good web sites out there that give ND a birds eye view, if you will, of how our representatives are representing us. It's disturbing! One can "google" for North Dakota Outdoors to find them.
My understanding thus far is that 10,000 harvestable acres have been destroyed due to the Devils Lake Flooding issue since March of 2004. Nobody does rotation anymore or traditional grain products, but for sake of being a numbers guy, lets say that that there's an 80% rotation of Wheat: 8000 acres, 40 Bushells/Acre, at $3.85/Bushell. Farming revenue lost = $1.2 Million. (Perfect world here, barring damage insurance, yata yata yata).
Both issues have a huge impact on hunting and fishing in ND. I would like to see the commercialized businesses financial statements to see how much of their revenue is contributed to protecting our water ways and damage control as in Devils Lake.
Should commercialization take over, I guess we stay in ND and hunt elsewhere. Then come back home and complain how unfair the NR policies are to us.
name: Canuck
city: Lockport
Area: Canada
Date: Wednesday June 09, 2004
Time: 10:47:17 PM
So Brad how did the pictures turn out? Did Lisa get to show her boss what real kitties look like. I am real sorry that I cost you money on Sunday, now that you have to put power handles on your Abu reels. I am sure if anybody trys them they will find as you and Lisa did. They really make reeling in those kitties alot easier.
The kitties taught me a lesson this week as well. On Sunday as U know they were behind the Pelican rock, well they were still there on Monday as a friend really did good there too but on Tuesday we started off there at 8AM and picked up only 3 then they went dead. We had to move and move we did. We finally found them very close to shore in the current. A storm fronts moved in on Tuesday and the kitties changed their pattern. It sure proved to me that they may be there one day but gone the next and YOU have to change with them as well.
Name: fritz
City: devils
Remote Name:
Date: Wednesday June 09, 2004
Time: 10:39:20 PM
Corey, I too believe a lot of G/O are going belly up once mother nature turns. Just goes to show, hunting is a 2-3 month sport. Not much of a business model if ya ask me.
Never give up on devils. Fishing is what keeps me alive here. Hunting is what you're imagining. Lotsa posted signs. The beauty of devils is that you can go all day without seeing other fisherpeople, if ya know the right spots.
Would ya like a free guided trip sometime?? Seriously.
name: Stu McKay
city: Lockport
Area: Wahpeton
: redcats@mts.net
Date: Wednesday June 09, 2004
Time: 06:54:43 PM
In a nutshell, the Red's fishing like mad! It's runing approximately 7 feet above normal and it's fast, but we're concentrating all efforts tight to shore! This is where it's at. This pattern will remain in effect as long as the flows remain as they are. No doubt high water conditions are to the cats avantage and therefore they take full advantage of it!
Fish Hard!
name: dakotawalleye
city: Mandan, ND
: steve@dakotawalleyeguides.com
Date: Wednesday June 09, 2004
Time: 12:19:10 PM
Denise, the fishing is basically good in Sakakawea all summer. Of course, fronts can affect the mood of the fish quite a bit. Fish location will really depend on the temperature of the water and the wind conditions. Feel free to send an email if you would like more specific info.
name: dakotawalleye
city: Mandan, ND
: steve@dakotawalleyeguides.com
Date: Wednesday June 09, 2004
Time: 12:09:03 PM
Fished the Van Hook Arm this past weekend. Walleyes were relatively deep for this time of year on Saturday with the warm, calm conditions. Quite a few fish being caught in 20-25 ft. They moved real shallow Sunday with the strong winds. I fished with a group of 5 Sunday and we ended up with 20 eyes with 16 between 18" and 22" and one whopper. Lindy's and jigs tipped with minnows or leeches seemed to do the trick.
Name: Corey
City: Bis
Remote Name:
Date: Wednesday June 09, 2004
Time: 10:59:38 AM
I agree Fritz. I don't like the way things are headed and I think the average sportsman of ND needs to speak up and do something before hunting is entirely commercialized in this state. Personally I have pretty much gave up hunting and now concentrate of fishing. I won't comment about Devils Lake, it's a lost cause. Lake Sakakawea is quickly become a comercialized nation wide destination as well. Thank God I still have the missouri river, with it's logs and sandbars.
The funny thing is, that these people who are commercializing the hunting game are depending on a resource that can literally be gone in a season..especially the upland game. If we have a drastic winter like 97 again...goodbye to the birds. What happens when we go into a drought and the little potholes are disapear??....again. Ducks will fly right by. I believe that alot of people are really setting themselves up to get burnt..kind of jumping on the bandwagon without thinking for the longterm.
name: Canuck
city: Lockport
Area: Canada
: jstinson@mb.sympatico.ca
Date: Tuesday June 08, 2004
Time: 11:45:48 PM
Brad: I really enjoyed fishing with you and your wife on Sunday. I was trully amazed at how your wife was able to handle those kitties. It takes many a experienced catfisherman do the things she did first time out, anytime.
Jason: The Red is high, no doubt about it BUT it is very fishable. I have an Alaskan (18ft) and use home made anchors. These anchors are about 16 to 18" solid (1 1/2 to 2" diamater) shafts with four points. These points are 9" long and slightly sharpened with a small bend. They are not so solid that they will not bend if you hook up in the rocks. The anchors you buy in the stores may be OK in small rivers or if there isn't tooooooo much current but they never seem to work on the Red. Bait: well suckers have been the bait of choice since the opener and will probably be that for at least another couple weeks. The kitties have been biting short so sugguest you keep the bait chucks small, about 1" square. The goldeyes are starting to show up so the kitties may be changing soon to them so if U have some great. The only place you may find them right now is either in the lock entrance or right up by the floodway outlet. Make sure you do NOT get too close to the flow by the outlet as in 1993 a gentleman's boat was sucked in and he drowned. If you stay 30 yds back it shouldn't be a problem, the north side of the outlet usually is the best spot for goldeyes. Location to fish: well, if the area from the floodway outlet to the main stream of the Red is NOT full pick a spot and usually the north shore is the best. We were getting them today about 5 ft from shore. If the floodway outlet area is full of boats pick a spot on either shore (my favourite is west) about 15 ft from shore and go at it. Today we had to use 6 oz to keep the bait on the bottom. These are flat sinkers so if U have the round type you may need more weight. The lack of weight I find is one of the biggest errors guys use. You HAVE TO keep your bait still on the bottom.
Jason: I kind of remember you, were you out earlier this year? I met 2 guys and a lady from Brandon about a week ago who came fishing and they seemed to do OK.
ps: if U can't get suckers, possibly try and find chicken liver. Freeze them and cut off 1" chunks and put them on your hook. You may be able to purchase suckers at "Cats on the Red" right at Lockport. Is there any reason why U put in at Selkirk? It is a rather long boat from to Selkirk especially if U are going to fish at Lockport anyways.
Good Luck. I am off the river for the next 2 days but back on for the weekend and may see U out. My boat is a 18' Lund with a 60 Mercury. If U see me give a yell and if we can be of help just ASK.
name: Jason
city: Brandon
Area: Comment
: jg@westman.wave.ca
Date: Tuesday June 08, 2004
Time: 08:17:37 PM
Canuck, Im sure you wont remember me but you've helped me out with my concerns about fishing the Red in the last couple years. We usually dont hit Lockport till later in the summer but we would like to get out this weekend.
We are worried about the water level. The Red is the only water with a current we fish so we are alot less confident than most on the River, especially when its high. We've been out when its high and have had problems getting the boat out of the water even at Selkirk Park. Were in a 18' lund pro fisherman and have problems anchoring at times too. Weve got the proper anchor for the river.
Also, what could you recommend for bait? We usually just bring shrimp and gather frogs from the swamp in Selkirk Park.
Thanks for all you advice in the past!
name: Jason
city: Brandon
Area: Comment
: jg@westman.wave.ca
Date: Tuesday June 08, 2004
Time: 08:09:29 PM
A couple question to those who are on the river between Lockport and Selkirk. A few of us would like to head out this weekend, but a big concern is how high the water is.
We always put in at Selkirk Park and just make our way up to the Locks, then back down to Selkirk at night. The owner of the boat we are using is concerned about the water level. Weve gone out with the water quite high and we had trouble anchoring and less fun trying to load out boat at the end of the day.
Also, what bait is prefered for this time of year? We usually dont get out for cats untill later in the year, and hit the swamp in the parks for frogs and bring our usual shrimp.
People on thi board have been VERY helpful the last couple years and have made our trips up to Lorkport that much easier.
name: Drew
city: Sioux City area
Area: Comment
Date: Tuesday June 08, 2004
Time: 03:18:12 PM
I hear ya, we're headin up this weekend too. It's only a 10 hour drive for us, but if it was 14 or 20 it wouldn't even matter. I'd rather drive till my eyes bleed just to have a chance at a 30 pounder rather than stay here and catch pukers. Power lunker Red River cats! Nothing like it, still trying to talk the woman type into moving up to ND. She says we can't just quit our jobs, sell the house, and relocate just because the cats are bigger up there. I'll never understand that woman.
name: Smoothy
city: Selkirk
Area: Canada
: mericals@mchsi.com
Date: Tuesday June 08, 2004
Time: 12:53:55 PM
I took a trip to Cats on the Red Memorial weekend and slayed the big piggys! I am going back this weekend, and the last weekend in July. Can you say HOOKED! And it's only a mere 14 hour drive for me, if I lived in ND I'd be there every weekend.
See ya on the water.
Name: fritz
City: devils country
Remote Name:
Date: Tuesday June 08, 2004
Time: 12:12:21 AM
Dave, the perch fishing seems to be the best during the winter months. Although somebody always seems to pound them during the rest of the year.
As for "US" ND boys, we need to stick together! The upcoming gov election should be interesting. Hunting seems to be one of the major issues this season. ND residents will speak. All "voices" will be heard, not only the rich!! Ya gotta love a democracy.
Corey and Dave, continue to perserve the ND heritage we all love and enjoy. Once hunting becomes completely commercialized in ND, why live here??
Name: Corey
City: Bismarck
Remote Name:
Date: Monday June 07, 2004
Time: 04:38:56 PM
Unless things get really bad, I am sticking around. You can't put a price on happiness and piece of mind. My idea of a traffic jam, is having to wait at a stoplight for more than 5 minutes. I don't think that I could handle a bumper two hour commute!! I try to do all I can to protect and advocate the proper use of our resources in this state. I encourage all of you to support organizations that are beneficial to the quality of the outdoor experience not only in ND but elsewhere. We can't let greed and money ruin something that should be for the common good of the people. The sad fact of the matter is that money talks though! I am stubborn and don't plan to leave this town or state anytime soon! If any of you have time please visit this URL on a website that I am affiliated with. Voices for Lake Oahe really needs help right now, with lake Sakakawea recieving the majority of the attention right now, our lake to the South is really hurting.
<reason: URL's need to be pre-approved.>
name: brad
city: Grand Forks
Area: Canada
Date: Monday June 07, 2004
Time: 10:45:47 AM
I spent Sunday in Lockport with my lovely wife and the famous Canuck. The CATCHING was abosolutly awesome. Just under four hours and we landed 22 cats with 10 being over 20 pounds. For all the boys here in Grand Forks who can't get on the river my advise is head to Lockport the fish are biting and the river is ready for you.
My wife enjoyed her first trip up north and I'm sure she'll make the trek again this year.
name: Drew
city: Sioux City area
Area: Comment
Date: Monday June 07, 2004
Time: 10:44:14 AM
Just wondering what the water level is like in Drayton and/or Grand Forks. Looking to come up there this weekend to put the hurt on some cats. It's about a 7 hour drive so any report on the water level and fishing would be highly appreciated!
name: Reg McGiffin
city: Grand Forks
Area: Comment
: regmcg@gra.midco.netCheck out our new reduced pricelist for
Date: Sunday June 06, 2004
Time: 12:59:13 PM
Check out our new reduced pricelist for N0-ROLL sinkers in classified section of site Sizes 1oz 11/2 oz 2 oz and 3 oz available
Name: Dave
City: Minot
Remote Name:
Date: Saturday June 05, 2004
Time: 04:20:00 PM
Fritz, thanks for being a defender.
I have to share a story related to a Game Farm in are area. You can purchase an elk license from $400 up to $20,000 depending on what size bull you want.
Yes, this is a fairly nice size farm acerage wize, but the elk are all confinded within a fenced area. They roam within the farms hills and trees.
So these 2 guys from New Your pay $20,000 apiece for the top of the line bull tags. They start walking through the hills like their actually accomplishing a hunt, and then sure enough, psst.. psst.. shhh.. "They're right over this hill!"
One of the guys shot a huge home grown bull. Come time to leave, he left the meat and hide behind, with the instructions to ship him the rack. The story relayed from the Game Farm was that this guy had a bet with a buddy in New York as to who could get the biggest bull.
The pheasant game farms oppertate in similiar ways. Hand someone some cash and they will turn your birds loose for you to shoot. You can even chase them around if you want to.
These are the types of things that upper class N/R revenue supports and encourages. Most of us will never have the oppertunity to put elk meat in the freezer, yet I could probably purchase the meat this guy from NY left behind for a spendy price. The majority of locals have not and refuse to pay these commercialized games.
Interesting though isn't it Fritz, how we never see any posts here from other states on how their policies effect me as a N/R?
Fritz, anything happening with the perch at DL?
name: Rick
city: Fargo
: RickH40@hotmail.com
Remote Name:
Date: 06/05/2004
Time: 09:26:45 AM
In answer to the question aboput White Bass:
The daily limit is 35 and the possession limit is 173
Tight Lines, Rick
Name: fritz
City: Devils
Remote Name:
Date: Friday June 04, 2004
Time: 08:56:57 PM
Well said! As I'm sure ya'll know, DL has been impacted heavily by hunting/fishing commercialization. It has been a hard battle and still wages on.
I just get sick and tired of listening to NR who think ND is their playground. Sure all NR love to hunt here when conditions are good, but where will our saviors be when the next DROUGHT shows up??
Then comes the issues of restrictions and license fees. ND is just following the rest of the country. Every state in the nation has preferential treatment for residents. WHy not ND too??
It will truley be a sad day when every animal with a heartbeat has a price tag around its' neck. That being said, I have never "paid to hunt" once. Freelancers are welcome in my book regardless of res or NR status. It is the couple of people who think they have to lease land or hire G/O, who I so hate. Why hunt on a game preserve in ND, when I'm sure there are plenty closer to "home".
Just goes to show that people like Tom from Michigan, need to open their eyes. Things are different here, as I'm sure they are different in Michigan too. We (ND) have survived this long. I'm sure if you decide to take your hunting $$$ elsewhere, we'll still be around.
And I got lost when Tom was talking bout tags, res and NR. What tags?? Deer tags??
Name: Dave
City: Minot
Remote Name:
Date: Friday June 04, 2004
Time: 01:56:35 PM
To Corey in Bismarck (Listen up Cody in Minot):
What you have to say or post does matter! You're the future voices of ND. Don't give up on me now!
Never let the value of the dollar dictate who you are or what you do. Corey, I commend the career sacrifice that you made to be in ND!
I hear what you say about the potential that your career choice has for income. I have roughly 16 years invested in the IT industry of ND. I love ND, the quality of life, the freedom, and the ability to fade away into the openness of the country. Those values can not be bought at any price.
I spent 2 years working in the Bismarck area. Bismarck has some beautiful hunting/fishing areas. (Some of the best bowhunting I've ever experienced.)
The commercialization has definitely played a role in the declined hunting quality for the ND hunter. (There's a lot of other factors also). But that's what part of this war is about.
Area's that I have hunted all my life have also fallen prey to out of state buyers. These areas are now restricted by the out of state "No Trespassing or Hunting" signs. So I have very little time for the N/R who complains about any Restrictions that ND impliments to the N/R!
Another part of this war pertains to Lake Sakakawea/Missouri where you escape to regenerate your soul from politics and greed. We can't even do that anymore because the politics of N/R dollars (Downstream State of Missouri) dictating the water level of Lake Sakakawea.
Devils Lake is another example. ND has been trying to resolve the Lake Level there for some time now. Canada and Minnesota are blocking our efforts.
Corey, I would encourage you to stand behind what you believe in, for this state. Don't sell yourself out to another state! We need the generation behind us to join us in this. We can make a difference, we just need to stay involved. I refuse to lay down my guns to the commercial greed and will never bow a knee to residents or N/R alike who show disrespect for this State.
The voice behind commercial hunting is money, but if we stay abreast of the issues and unit, the bottom line for our state officials is quantity of votes!
Lastly, I would challenge you to speak to those who have sold out your freindship to "fee" base hunting and inform them of what impact this has on our state and not just their pocket book. Reason with them about these issues.
Great to hear from you!
Name: Corey
City: Bismarck
Remote Name:
Date: Friday June 04, 2004
Time: 10:03:17 AM
Way to go Dave. I agree with you on the vast Majority of your post. I usually shy away from posting, but I had to chime in here. I am a 25 year old college grad born and raised in ND. I work in the computer/IT industry and I made the decision to live in ND, for the hunting and fishing despite opportunity to make 3 times more money in Minnesota. Well, with all the garbage surrounding hunting, between out of staters, and commercialazation I haven't touched a gun in two years. Friends that used to let me hunt, are now fee hunting or have leased there land or sold out to guides or out of staters. Granted there are still places that I can hunt, but the fact of the matter is the quality of the experience for the average hunter is steadily declining. It's sad.
Thank God I can still get away from people and the greed of money and politics on Lake Sakakawea and the Missouri River. As soon as those resources are sold to the highest bidder or overcrowded, I will be an out of stater as well.
Name: Dave
City: Minot
Remote Name:
Date: Friday June 04, 2004
Time: 12:15:38 AM
Fritz, a couple things and then I'd like to address Tom from Michigan. Have you seen the revenue generated by N/R license? In 2003 there were 47,600 General Hunting Licenses issued to N/R & 63,800 issued to residents! 38,000 N/R Fishing License were issued & 76,500 Resident. You said it well though, ND doesn't live or die by N/R revenue.
The question that you ask has a simple answer. It isn't the average N/R [whom I have respect for] that has that view. Why? Because the average N/R income just simply doesn't support running all over on hunting trips! And that applies to us N Dakotan's as well. Daddy big bucks are the ones who think they are saving ND, because they have money and want it to have more value and power than we give it.
To Tom in Michigan:
I'm not sure exactly what your insinuating regarding the Pitman/Robertson Act. I would be more concerned where the funds are going if the game numbers in ND were different. There's a well established game habitat in ND and I believe that Game Management has done a very nice job. We have an abundance of game across the License Ticket spectrum. If the game wasn't abundant, we wouldn't have the complaints would we.
I would love to be able to hunt all over the country. Idaho, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, but this just isn't a reality for the average sportsman's income. So the average sportsman is confined to their own borders. Obviously since you're the owner of multiple residences and can travel all over the country hunting, you're not the average sportsman. May I recommend a cabin in another state somewhere where you would be happier?
Respectfully, if you own multiple residence and are able to hunt all over the country, then certainly the ND N/R charges shouldn't be an issue. Aside from making a house payment and paying property taxes in ND, in what state do you spend the majority of your money? How many months of the year do you support the small ND community businesses where you own property? I doubt that your time spent in that community has an overwhelming impact. (Unless of course you spend the winter months here in sunny ND.)
Every state has laws that apply to their state regarding resident and non residents respectfully. Are you impyling that if I owned property in Michigan, that the state of Michigan would honor resident policies towards my N/R stature? You're statement of being treated as a second class citizen in ND makes no sense.
You asked the question, WHY should you continue to make house payments and pay taxes and not walk away from your ownership? We would need you to clarify a couple things. First, when you say that you're a land owner, what does that mean? Does that mean that you own house property or does that mean that you own a number of acres along with the house for hunting purposes? Did you purchase your property for hunting purposes?
You mention giving your property to the already struggling economy of ND. The N/R may have some impact on the economy of these small communities, but you can't give the N/R credit for it. I doubt the N/R says, I won't bring any food, shells, or dog food this hunting trip. I'll just purchase all these things that I need at the local community stores because I want to help those communities out. Oh, but the gas stations and the hotels! Whatever. The small community that I grew up in suffers because of the failure in the farm economy and the shutdown of oil production, but has never been impacted one way or the other by the N/R sportsman!
I'm not sure what your point is with walking away from your property and burdening ND with the financial responsibility. It's attitudes and practices like this that would make you a second class citizen!
As for your complaint about the 1st week of season, those restrictions apply to land owned or leased by the NDG&F, which includes PLOTS. The remainder of the state is not under restriction. Your accustomed to traveling all over the country hunting. Why would this restriction stop your ability to hunt?
Your statement is correct. Less N/R sportsmen does mean less money for the state. However, here's some numbers generated by the resident purchase of 2003 licenses.
The 2003 revenue generated by Resident Deer License was $2.1 million (N/R $317,000). Resident Sportsman License around $950,000. The Resident General Hunting License alone was around $830,000. An additional $250,000 spent on Resident Deer Bow Licenses.
The overall financial statement indicates a revenue of $20.9 million with an expenditure of $20.8 million.
What you forgot to calculate into your economy formula is that the ND sportsman would pay higher resident license fees to offset the revenue lost by the N/R that has an attitude like yours.
There needs to be more clarification on your statement about the N/R taking the flack due to residents who were actually doing the trespassing? I'm really confused about that comment. You say that Land Owners wouldn't check ND tags, and then the N/R would get the flack for residents who trespassed? I don't get that, but even us dumb Norwegians can reason that the N/R has more respect for the No Tresspassing laws than the locals because the consequences are just to high to jeopardize doing so. I think you were grasping for straws on that one.