Lake Darling fishing reports are included below: ice fishing is
included. Please visit the links on the right for more fishing reports for North
Dakota Lakes and Rivers.
name: Aberz
city: Lansford
Date: Saturday August 26, 2006
Time: 11:22:17 PM
Hey i went to lake darling today, august 26, 2006. Nothing at all cant believe it. Just no fishing anymore like there used to be. Need to repopulate it and stop taking little ones home. The little ones dont impress the ladies.
name: Brandon
city: Minot AFB
Date: Sunday June 04, 2006
Time: 06:20:34 PM
Hit Lake Darling yesterday, caught a few pike, they were nothing special. Caught two and released them. My buddy just about had one landed on the bridge then it took with the lure in his mouth, so you might see a pike with the lure hanging out of his mouth.
name: Big Brad Johnson
city: Burlington
Date: Tuesday May 23, 2006
Time: 07:47:54 PM
Fishing is good, beer is better, babes are the best. Until you get old. Babes turn into nags, beer just gives you a headache, but fishing is still good.
name: Aberz
city: Lansford
Date: Tuesday May 02, 2006
Time: 10:25:05 PM
Went to green on April 29th. Under the bridge casting with some daredevils got a few nice fish.
name: Steve
city: Kenmare
Date: Wednesday July 27, 2005
Time: 10:27:47 AM
With the fishing at Lake Darling somewhat dismal overall, it amazes me that some people wonder why. Several years ago when the perch were hot people would fill up buckets, go home and return later that afternoon to do it again. The foreage fish are nearly depleted. Also, no size fish is sacred. With the perch nearly depleted the remaining large fish are being taken home. I'd like to ask where's the great joy in taking multiple large fish for eating? First of all they are the future of the ecosystem, the prime spawners. Second of all they don't taste nearly as good and are probably quite high in any water born contaminants such as mercury. (Mercury attacks brain tissue and perhaps this is where the real answer to the problem is) I've got no problem with keeping a trophy fish to hang on the wall but keeping several large ones to me is simply rediculous! For those of you who think there is no natural spawning in the lake darling system should go on a spring field trip with an underwater camera and you'll find something different. Wake up and practice a little conservation and maybe things will improve!
name: capthook
city: granville
Date: Monday May 16, 2005
Time: 03:26:43 PM
fished grano and green yesterday, some action on lindy's with minnow's. had to work hard to get them, water is still to cold.
did see a boat loading as we leaving, that had two big eye's. one looked like it would probaly be close to ten and the other was six to seven. next year these same people will be wondering why there isnt any fish left in the lake OH WELL
name: Jimmy
city: Antler
Date: Friday May 06, 2005
Time: 12:03:23 PM
Used to fish there quite a bit 5-6 years ago. I agree, it has been overharvested. No mystery there. People keep everything they catch and then wonder what happened when the lake no longer produces like it used to...Hello!!!!!
name: icefshn
city: Minot
Date: Tuesday April 26, 2005
Time: 04:08:29 AM
Darling is no mistery. lake was over harvested.
name: icefshn
city: Minot
Date: Tuesday April 26, 2005
Time: 04:04:31 AM
Darling is no mistery. lake was over havested.
name: Grandson
city: Grand Forks
Date: Monday September 27, 2004
Time: 05:09:27 PM
Fishing on Lake Darling is very spotty at best over the past few years. Either you hit them hard or you go home empty handed. My Grandpa lives in Greene, which is right on the lake, and he hasn't caught hardly a thing all year so far. When they have caught some northerns they are BIG ones but they are few and far between. We just cant figure out what happened to that lake because it used to be great fishing. It is one GREAT mystery what happened.
We used to catch a lot of northerns on dare devils either black and white or red and white ones. That and we would throw out a smelt line and let that sit on the bottom while we are casting. Ask some locals that are fishing when you are there because a lot of them will tell you what they are using.
Good luck and let me know if you catch anything.
name: Vincent Clark
city: Minot
Date: Tuesday July 20, 2004
Time: 01:18:33 PM
Fished the north side of the Dam at Darling. Not much luck out there. A couple of bullheads. Saw one guy pull out a northern, but it was a little guy. A little more luck up at Grano with the walleye. I am new to fishing for walleye and northern. It seems they are kind of picky and unpredictable. Does anyone have any tips or tricks to offer? I know that the southeast side of Grano is very popular.. but that can't be the ONLY place that the fish are hitting... or CAN it???
name: Khans
city: Minot
Date: Monday May 17, 2004
Time: 10:13:20 PM
For the third time, we headed out to Lake Darling (the outlets by the visitor center) at around 1 pm. No bites for awhile which lead to a frustrating afternoon. We were using live bait. Finally, towards the later afternoon we caught a beautiful northern pike, 22 inches in length! I'd say that's pretty good for first time fishermen from New Yok City!
The first two times we were at Lake Darling no bites/no fish but other fishermen around us were catching BIG fish. I'd say it's a good place to be for an afternoon!
name: Eric Zurcher
city: Minot AFB
Date: Monday February 16, 2004
Time: 07:24:58 PM
16 Feb 2004
No luck by the 3rd landing. A guy about 50 yards off the bank caught a 32 inch Northern. General reports are its still pretty slow.
name: CJK72
city: Minot
: kinden@min.midco.net
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2004
Time: 03:34:16 PM
have fished below the dam on darlng numerous times this year. early ice there wsa a lot of small perch being caught with a few nice ones mixed in. The last couple weeks the bite has completely stopped below the dam (at least on my poles). caught one northern down there all year and one bullhead but thats it. sounds like that area will be dead untill late ice hits.
name: General
city: Minot
Date: Monday January 19, 2004
Time: 06:09:54 PM
what kind of fish are in the souris river
name: george
city: maxbass
Date: Saturday January 17, 2004
Time: 12:20:54 AM
fishing has been pretty slow the last couple of weeks, except for the pike. we've caught a few ok walleyes at grano, but put alot of time into it. Haven't heard of any perch biting yet,but cameras show a few down there. travel on the ice is iffy....lots of snow!! If anyone is having luck, especially perch,post a report. thanks and good luck
name: Dustin
city: Minot
: arcticcat18@hotmail.com
Date: Saturday June 28, 2003
Time: 06:22:07 PM
Hit the Pike there on Tuesday. Met my limit in 1.5 hours. Using a 'Lindy' rig with a leech attached.
name: Chris Carlson
city: minot
: nash237@yahoo.com
Date: Thursday June 12, 2003
Time: 02:01:49 PM
Can someone fill me in on why Lake Darling was producing no fish becuase you would think that right after ice-off, the fish would be active but it has been that way for 2 months and now the walleyes choose to bite. Did the lake suffer in some way? If anybody has any info please e-mail me at the above address.
name: Grandson
city: EGF
Date: Tuesday June 10, 2003
Time: 11:48:06 PM
Well I am looking for any info on how the fish have been biting because I cant really do anything else right now. So if anyone out there has any info please let me know.
name: mcfisher
city: minot
Date: Friday May 23, 2003
Time: 03:28:12 AM
If you like to catch bullheads, then Darling's the place for you....that's about all you'll find here this spring
name: Grandson
city: EGF
Date: Thursday April 17, 2003
Time: 01:29:14 AM
I was wondering if anyone has caught any fish on Darling this spring so far. I am hoping to be there this weekend and catching some fish. If anyone has info. let me know please.
name: lane
city: minot
: speakedk@aol.com
Date: Friday March 07, 2003
Time: 12:44:56 PM
i need to catch some fish. good places to ga to catch fish
name: alstef
city: minot
Date: Thursday February 20, 2003
Time: 02:09:54 AM
Went fishing on darling two times all day and early evening without a bite. was using waxies on the poles and minnows with the tip ups. Was off of landing 3.
city: MOHALL
: gmb1@srt.com
Date: Saturday February 08, 2003
Time: 09:09:44 PM
name: gooseman
city: minot
Date: Wednesday February 05, 2003
Time: 11:28:09 PM
fishing on darling on six mile bay, perch are bitting early then they shut off around noon . use spikes not bitting on waxies either that or minow heads or very small minows caught about thirty perch all over a pound
name: Grandson
city: Grand Forks
Date: Monday February 03, 2003
Time: 10:43:03 PM
I was wondering if anybody has been fishing. I am looking at visiting my G-parents in Greene and wanted to do some fishing while I was there. Let me know if anybody has caught anything. Thanks!
name: Daniel
city: mINOT
Date: Sunday January 12, 2003
Time: 12:14:43 PM
name: glpgus
city: Berthold
Date: Thursday December 19, 2002
Time: 12:05:45 PM
Went Saturday, December 14th from 9am to 6pm. SW corner of lake on North side of Grano crossing. Ice is a good 8-10". Saw lot of little perch with the AquaView and one decent-sized Northern. Saw no walleyes. Drilled holes in ice with water depth anywhere from 7 to 15 feet. Perch are very reluctant to bite. Used fatheads and wax worms. Only bites were on waxies with small Gentz jig (the smaller the better) in about 12 feet. 10 - 12 other fishermen in the same area didn't fare much better. However, one guy did catch a small walleye just after sunset - don't know what he was using. Hope to do better this weekend.
name: Daniel Murdock
city: Minot
Date: Sunday December 15, 2002
Time: 02:22:20 PM
Hello all, I and I am sure everyone else is ready to start fishing this winter. There is nothing like walking on water and catching some great eating fish. Last year I did great with the pearch but I did not bring one eye through the ice. Everyone knows that the pearch are great but we all want the eyes. I just got done building my house nice 8x8 wooden shaney with 6 holes. But I have a problem some one out there might be able to help me with. I need to know some of the right depth for the eyes to put this house some comments would be great. Everyone catch some great fish this year just leave a few for me.
name: DEWY
city: MINOT
Date: Friday December 13, 2002
Time: 04:32:25 PM
Friday August 09, 2002
10:36:13 PM
Nathan Davis: Jigging Spoons w/a slow to moderate retrieval close to the bottom
Nathan Davis
Tuesday August 06, 2002
02:58:18 PM
What were you using to catch the walleye and perch??? very interested... thanks
Sunday August 04, 2002
08:39:31 PM
Caught several wallies and perch below the dam around dusk
Saturday March 30, 2002
12:46:39 PM
We were there last week Friday-Sunday,fishing was tough but came away with 100 plus pearch,caught them just out from the "ranch",about 25 inches ice
minot, nd
Monday March 04, 2002
10:05:40 AM
To get to Lake Darling from Grand Forks you will first need to drive to Minot. Then from there, it is about 12 miles north (just past the air base) and 10 miles west, give or take a few miles. The lake also extends way north from there and you will also here of places like grano and green bridge. These are all part of the Lake Darling Fishery. Right now I would say don't waste your time as the fish aren't biting very well. But there are times when you will catch a lot of perch, and they seem to be real good sized. The walleye fishing has been slim to non-existent, but you will always catch a few perch. If you make it this far west good luck and maybe i'll see ya out on the ice.
Derek Earl
Grand Forks
Thursday February 28, 2002
03:16:14 PM
Wanted to know where this lake was located... I have heard that it can have good fishing and i was wondering if it would be worth it to drive from GF to go fishing there???? Please email me if u can tell me where it is at??? THANK YOU!!!!!
Big Dog
Minot, ND
Tuesday February 19, 2002
12:19:02 PM
Fished south of Grano bridge all day on Friday, 2-15-02, drilled 40 some holes. Caught 11 perch and 3 small eyes. Perch were scarce, but very nice. 1 perch weighed 1 lb 14 oz and 1 weighed 1 lb 11 oz. Ice is getting a little scary.
Stizostedion vitreum
Tuesday January 22, 2002
07:49:00 AM
Fished Darling on Saturday, but it was slow. Sunday picked up and many many perch left the lake in buckets. Sunday was very good on Darling for Perch.
Monday January 14, 2002
03:06:18 PM
Fished Darling on Sunday, Jan 13. Action was fairly slow. We started at 6:30 am and fished until about 2:00 in the afternoon. Between two of us we caught about twenty perch and three small walleye. Only kept about twelve nice Perch, everything else we released. Never caught a fish after 1:00 PM. Caught everything on green glow jigs and minnows. We were fishing about 1 mile north of landing 3. The ice was about 18 inches.
Monday January 14, 2002
03:03:37 PM
Fished Darling on Sunday, Jan 13. Action was fairly slow. We started at 6:30 am and fished until about 2:00 in the afternoon. Between two of us we caught about twenty perch and three small walleye. Only kept about twelve nice Perch, everything else we released. Never caught a fish after 1:00 PM. Caught everything on green glow jigs and minnows. We were fishing about 1 mile north of landing 3. The ice was about 18 inches.
Brad Durick
Grand Forks
Monday December 24, 2001
07:21:19 PM
Hello Again,
Ventured out to the Dam area of Lake Darling and it was a beautiful day to fish. 11 degrees and very little wind. Arrived at about noon and got our first fish at about 1:30. We moved from 9 to 11 feet and things really took off from there.
We ended the day with some nice perch. It seemed the fish were active yet not all that excited to eat. The best luck came on a very small jig with a wax worm. The bite was unbelievably light.
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL I will be back on Devil's next week!
Brad Durick
Grand Forks
Sunday December 23, 2001
06:13:13 PM
I am spending the holidays in Bowbells with my family and decided to check out the buzz at Darling Sunday after that pathetic showing by the Vikings. I was only there two hours and managed to catch on Northern.
The people we talked to said the action was good until about 1:30pm and then slowed way down. Hope to get another run Monday morning.
Stizostedion vitreum
Monday December 17, 2001
11:39:00 AM
I agree with Hemlock on everything. My report is the same. The warm temps have melted the snow cover on Darling causing some slushy nervous walking. Where the ice is uncovered, it has a thin layer of white ice on top of 10 inches of good clear ice. THIS IS NOT ALL OVER THE LAKE THOUGH. There are spots out there that will make driving very hazardous even when there is over 12 inches of ice out there. This season should be very interesting. I had one bite and no fish. Stizo
Sunday December 16, 2001
08:58:43 PM
Fished north side of Grano today. I was there at bad time: 1:30-3:30. Not a single bite. Ice is in tough shape too. There was a 1/2 inch layer of ice on top, then 3-4 inches of slush, then another 6 inches of fair ice under that. hope it gets cold soon, or Darling isn't gonna be ready to drive on by January!
Sunday December 16, 2001
08:58:35 PM
Fished north side of Grano today. I was there at bad time: 1:30-3:30. Not a single bite. Ice is in tough shape too. There was a 1/2 inch layer of ice on top, then 3-4 inches of slush, then another 6 inches of fair ice under that. hope it get cold soon, or Darling isn't gonna be ready to drive on by January!
Stizostedion vitreum
Wednesday December 12, 2001
10:57:29 AM
Hey there everybody!
The ice is good and thick for foot traffic on Lake Darling. I was up to the Grano Crossing early Saturday morning. We arrived before the sun came up, but the perch bite did not start until about 9 AM. I had four nice perch from 9-9:45 then it really took off for about an hour and fifteen minutes. We could not keep two lines in the water at the same time. One or both either had a fish the needed to be unhooked, rebaited, untangled etc. We ended up leaving at 12:00 noon. Boy was it fun. I had a thirteen inch perch, and I took home 16 total all over 10 inches in length. My buddy took home 24. He did have a few smaller ones mixed in there with his bunch. We were also at Audubon the night before, but only two 17 inch walleye and a burbot. Talk to you later. Stizo
Stizostedion vitreum
Minot, North Dakota
Monday December 03, 2001
02:29:59 PM
On your mark, ready, set, drill. We have 4 inches of ice on Lake Darling, and 3.5 inches of ice on Lake Audubon. Fishermen have been on Audubon since last wednesday, and have been doing well with the eyes. Many good reports have come from Darling, but it is not about walleye. The perch are very good sized and plentiful. They walleye are far and few between up here on Darling, unless you like those little 5-10 inchers. Only a small size class of walleye is left in the lake. Time will tell as first ice gets going. Stizo.
Scott McNamee
Grand Forks
Wednesday November 28, 2001
04:23:52 PM
oh please let there be ice soon!
I'm dying here in Grand Forks Stizostedion vitreum, how is the fishing anxiety in your area?
I've got a good plan for ice fishing this year....I hope it works!
Don't forget to check out the 'hot topics' page on the home page...it seems to be pretty popular...chime in...the more the merrier!
Stizostedion vitreum
Minot, North Dakota
Monday November 26, 2001
01:52:40 PM
First ice is just around the corner! Please report ice conditions as soon as they exist. I am chomping at the bit!
Scott McNamee
Grand Forks
Sunday November 04, 2001
03:33:09 PM
just testing new background
Stizostedion vitreum
Monday October 29, 2001
01:13 PM
What do people think about the ice fishing prospects on Lake Darling this winter? Sounds sort of iffy. People are still catching limits of walleye out of the river right here in Minot. Did all the fish get flushed into the Mouse river? I hear many people are not going to even bother fishing the lower end of Darling. Grano should be busier I would think. The river area right in front of the dam should be good this December and January. The walleye will winter in that area. (deep holes) They might be skinny though. Anybody else have a theory?
Stizostedion vitreum
Monday October 29, 2001
01:12 PM
What do people think about the ice fishing prospects on Lake Darling this winter? Sounds sort of iffy. People are still catching limits of walleye out of the river right here in Minot. Did all the fish get flushed into the Mouse river? I hear many people are not going to even bother fishing the lower end of Darling. Grano should be busier I would think. The river area right in front of the dam should be good this December and January. The walleye will winter in that area. (deep holes) They might be skinny though. Anybody else have a theory?
Stizostedion vitreum
Sunday October 07, 2001
12:06 PM
Excellent! Another source for my local lake! I will post the results of every ice fishing trip I go on this winter right here. I am a regular on Fishing Buddy also. I have not been so regular as of late, because I am an elementary school teacher. This first month or so has not permitted me to get out on the lake much this fall as of yet. I will make sure to go on one good trip on Sak before the end of Oct. Everyone spread the word to your buddies so we can get this site off the ground with reliable, numerous and constant reports for Lake Darling this winter.
Scott McNamee
Grand Forks
Saturday October 06, 2001
04:20 PM
I've only fished the Jamestown reservoir once, and got a couple of walleye...that was this spring.
I could not believe the view when coming in from the east!
Those homes on the west side are awesome! Gotta have some money for those, huh?
Scott McNamee
Grand Forks
Friday October 05, 2001
02:57 PM
This page is now OPEN as requested by a reader....
Have at it!
Have fun!