name: brian
city: garrison
Remote Name:
Remote User:
Date: Wednesday June 27, 2007
Time: 02:20:34 PM
are the fish biting yet on douglas bay would appreciate any reorts and what would a guy use for bait etc.thanks
name: Rondo
city: Spring Town
Remote Name:
Remote User:
Date: Wednesday June 27, 2007
Time: 08:48:18 AM
Any suggestions on fishing early June in North Dakota? Which lake has better walleye ... Devils Lake or Sakakawea in early June?
name: greggy
city: Dickison
Date: Tuesday May 15, 2007
Time: 01:17:57 PM
name: larry B
city: Rugby
Date: Tuesday May 15, 2007
Time: 01:15:39 PM
well i went out to lake sakakawea right in the middle. I heard they were they were bitting on bobbers and smelt about three feet from the top. I caught thirteen northerns walleye and a big snapping turtle that weighed 56pounds, good thing I had 20 pound test line. Boy, that fire line really works good. I think the northerns average weight was around 15 to 20 lbs. And the walleye was about 7lbs.
name: johnson
city: Towner
Date: Tuesday May 15, 2007
Time: 12:33:39 PM
Well the fishing is ok this year. I was fishing all by myself at hwy 14 bridge. It was quiet and the fishing was alright
name: greggy
city: Dickison
Date: Tuesday May 15, 2007
Time: 12:25:31 PM
well I cought a 9 pound walleye and 3 5 pounders on friday may 11 at 6 31 AM. The fish were bitting good and they were bitting on white jig heads with worms.
name: Derek Monger
city: Dickinson ND
Date: Wednesday February 07, 2007
Time: 03:13:15 PM
Well 2 days ago ice fishing was a blast after limiting out at Mckenzie Bay with my 5 walleye and one northern. But the fish are long and skinny like last summer. If the water goes down anymore, the baitfish will die and the fish will prob. start to die off. but lets hope for some rain and snow. To help raise the water for this coming summer of Walleye fishing in North Dakota.
name: Sara
city: New Town, ND
Date: Friday July 21, 2006
Time: 11:20:09 AM
http://www.ndtourism.com Walleye attract considerable attention from Sakakawea anglers throughout the reservoir... Northern pike, North Dakota’s state fish, can grow larger than 20 pounds and cruise hundreds of bays that add up to the lake’s more than 1,300 miles of shoreline, almost all of which is publicly owned. The deep, cold water of lower Sakakawea harbors chinook salmon, while the northern face of the dam and underwater rocky points and islands support a tremendous smallmouth bass fishery. White bass, yellow perch, crappie, sauger and rainbow and brown trout are also plentiful in certain parts of the lake.
name: Scott Robertson
city: Glenwood City WI
Date: Thursday July 20, 2006
Time: 12:42:12 PM
I would like to fish Lake Sakakawea.What species of fish other than catfish and walleys are in this lake ? Another thing is where is a good place to stay? Thanks
name: John Stamos
city: Minot, ND
Date: Wednesday July 05, 2006
Time: 11:32:40 AM
Fished Van Hook arm this past weekend 7/2/06 around fox island. Fish were biting on lindy and spinners with nightcrawlers. Fish were anywhere from 14 to 25 feet. Fish were hitting from 8:00 am to 10:00 am and then again from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm. Nothing big (all around 2lbs, but a lot of fun)
name: Kathy
city: Bismarck
Date: Monday June 12, 2006
Time: 03:42:22 PM
We were at Wolfcreek this weekend by Riverdale on Sakakawea. We spoke with the person taking the fish count and she stated the walley have come up. All the fish are up in the shallow areas due to the fresh water coming in from Montana. Walleye are biting by New Town also.
name: lance
city: e grand forks
Date: Friday March 24, 2006
Time: 12:27:52 PM
What is the deal with no access to the lake??I heard the corp doesnt allow motorized vehicle access to the lake.So how do you get your boat in or ice fish?I am an avid fisherman that was considering moving to this area,but if this is true I guarantee I wont be!I'm way too use to having access to any or all parts of a lake.
name: coryf
city: newtown
Date: Thursday February 02, 2006
Time: 10:33:50 PM
newtown area hits good, walleye hits either soft of hard depending of attitude, sometimes hard hit (caught6lbs.), or soft, whereas they just nibble on i, then set hook!!!!!!!!!
name: whitney
city: twinbuttes
Date: Thursday February 02, 2006
Time: 10:28:32 PM
there hitin about 17 to 25 w/ lota wind for the tip ups!!!!!!!!!!!
name: tom young
city: fargo
Date: Tuesday January 10, 2006
Time: 01:32:19 PM
just wondering if anyone has any predictions on when the ice will come off the lake this year
name: Chuck Donofrio
city: Crown Point, IN.
Date: Monday August 29, 2005
Time: 02:40:25 PM
I fished Lake Sakakawea near New Town many years ago with friends that supplied the boats and accomodations. I'd like to go back next year and am looking for good rentals (boat and lodging). Advice is appreciated. Thanks.
name: Kim Martin
city: Moving to Minot
Date: Sunday May 29, 2005
Time: 09:02:33 AM
We will be moving into our new house the ehnd of June and just getting into the fishing thing. Will the fishing be good in July and what is the best bait to use that time? Also can you rent a boat there or can you catch a fair amount off the dock? Looking for any advice.
name: Jared
city: Minot
Date: Monday April 25, 2005
Time: 06:16:03 PM
A question for Alex Slorby, believe I talked to you one day at a coffee break during work, you had stated that you did well at the tailrace and now I see you posted here about the race, looks like you did well, would like to try but have heard the ramp has a big hole at the end of it,can you tell me what the ramp status is and do you think a guy can get a boat in with a bunk trailer oka? Thanks
name: Alex Slorby
city: Minot
Date: Thursday April 07, 2005
Time: 11:16:39 AM
I fished lake Sakakawea around the Garrison area all winter long, and we got into quite a few walley's. I have fished the tailrace for the past five weeks or so, and have caught over 1500 walleye, so if you want to catch walleye, I suggest you go there. Most days I was the only boat around.
name: arch
city: gt falls mt
Date: Sunday January 30, 2005
Time: 10:09:34 PM
name: Jim
city: Colorado Springs
Date: Friday December 31, 2004
Time: 11:00:07 AM
I would like to find a place for good walleye fishing thru the ice. Can anyone out there give me a couple of suggestions?
name: ladyfishhawk
city: Dickinson
Date: Saturday September 18, 2004
Time: 12:58:35 PM
What's going on with fishing at Mckenzie Bay? Or Skunk?
name: Fred Porisch
city: Billings, MT
Date: Tuesday September 07, 2004
Time: 11:30:04 AM
Will be fishing Lake Sakakawea for the first time Sept. 10th-12th for Walleye. Will be staying in New Town. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
name: JLS
city: Watertown SD
Date: Friday August 27, 2004
Time: 11:28:20 AM
I go up to SAK each fall for salmon fishing and like to key in on about Sept. 25th as the date. As this year the temps are down a bit I would think that anytime from the 15th to the end of Sept. will be pretty good for quality fish. As the season progresses the quality slides as the fish mature. As with fishing in general, you never know exactly but the fish should be in by mid Sept. in reasonable numbers. If anyone out there would like to read their crystal ball I would like your input as to the "prime" dates? Also would love to hear up to date reports if possible.
name: Jerry
city: Denver CO
: olnimrods@comcast.net
Date: Thursday August 26, 2004
Time: 11:02:24 PM
I saw your reply to several people on the North Dakota Fishing web page. This is a great page keep up the good work guys! I’m from Denver Colorado and have been going to Oahe for 10+ years and I really enjoyed fishing for those salmon and walleyes. When the Rainbow Smelt numbers crashed so did the fishing. The walleye are comming back on, but it will be a few years before the Salmon get there. I plan to try Sakakawea the last week of September or the first week of October if it would be a good time to fish, so I was wondering how the salmon bite is going up there? Any information that you could give me would be greatly appreciated. If you or anyone you know would like to hop in the boat with me for a round with those salmon just let me know and I would be glad to take them along to do battle.
name: Les
city: Minot
Date: Thursday August 12, 2004
Time: 02:26:52 PM
Steve you are coming to late, the bite is really on in early to mid July on the big lake. This does not mean that you will not catch fish, just probably not the numbers that you would have earlier in the summer. Water is really low so you need to choose a place that will have low water access.
name: steve
city: orange city IA
: hspjbm@mtcnet.net
Date: Wednesday August 11, 2004
Time: 10:32:36 PM
I am with a group of guys thinking about fishing Sakakawea in the first week of October.What can I expect for fishing then and where do you suggest that we stay?
name: MTCath
city: Williston
Date: Tuesday July 20, 2004
Time: 12:42:16 AM
Taking a short trip along Lake Sakakawea next week. Is the fishing good from shore, or do we have to have a boat? What do you recommend for bait? Thank you!
name: Les
city: Mino
Date: Monday July 19, 2004
Time: 09:07:09 AM
fishing is great right now, limited out both days this weekend. Fishing at the slides out on the big water, between 10 and 15 feet of water pulling crank baits or jiging. Good luck!
name: mike
city: minot
Date: Wednesday June 23, 2004
Time: 09:00:31 PM
i have been fishing at the tailraces on the nmissouri and have had really good luck useing rapalas late at night average weight about 2#-5# i just went opn 6/22 and got 3 closer to the damn seems to be better
name: Darin
city: Dilworh MN
Date: Tuesday June 15, 2004
Time: 01:30:53 PM
I plan on going fishing up at sakakawea on the weekend of the 25, i heard that water levers are low and its hard to launch you boat, and are the walleyes moved shallow yet? thanks
name: dakotawalleye
city: Mandan, ND
: steve@dakotawalleyeguides.com
Date: Wednesday June 09, 2004
Time: 12:19:10 PM
Denise, the fishing is basically good in Sakakawea all summer. Of course, fronts can affect the mood of the fish quite a bit. Fish location will really depend on the temperature of the water and the wind conditions. Feel free to send an email if you would like more specific info.
name: dakotawalleye
city: Mandan, ND
: steve@dakotawalleyeguides.com
Date: Wednesday June 09, 2004
Time: 12:09:03 PM
Fished the Van Hook Arm this past weekend. Walleyes were relatively deep for this time of year on Saturday with the warm, calm conditions. Quite a few fish being caught in 20-25 ft. They moved real shallow Sunday with the strong winds. I fished with a group of 5 Sunday and we ended up with 20 eyes with 16 between 18" and 22" and one whopper. Lindy's and jigs tipped with minnows or leeches seemed to do the trick.
name: Denise
city: Buffalo
Date: Tuesday May 11, 2004
Time: 01:45:03 PM
Want to take a trip to fish in North Dakota,possibly mid July. Just wondering how the fishing is around that time of the year.Probably fish and stay near Lake Sakakawea.Thanks.
name: WALLEY
city: ST PAUL
Date: Monday May 03, 2004
Time: 04:10:02 PM
name: dakotawalleye
city: Mandan, ND
: steve@dakotawalleyeguides.com
Date: Tuesday April 06, 2004
Time: 11:28:22 AM
With the warm temps and windy conditions the past few days the bays are opening quickly in the SW part of the lake. The northern pike fishing has been very good lately and there are lots of 10-16 lb. fish being caught right now. I've heard quite a few reports of 20+ lb. fish being caught. We saw a 19 lb. 10 oz. pike caught this past weekend. Fishing the shallow bays with smelt has been the ticket for catching these fish.
name: James
city: New Town
Date: Tuesday January 13, 2004
Time: 11:09:34 PM
Fishing Report January 9, 2004
Went Ice-Fishing South West of Four Bears Casino near the "Bins" and the fish came in a little late but were consistent from about 4-7:30 P.M A few sauger, walleye ranging from about 2-5 lbs. The bite is little inconsistent due to the weather patterns but they are still able to find the bait!
name: Brian
city: Grand rapids
Date: Monday December 15, 2003
Time: 02:56:58 PM
Hey hows the pike fishing and is there ice?
name: Fred
city: Valley City
Date: Wednesday December 10, 2003
Time: 04:46:31 PM
can anyone hang with that???
name: Fred
city: Valley City
Date: Wednesday December 10, 2003
Time: 04:45:29 PM
hit a big northern!!! 20 pounds 10 oz just off little knife bay in New Town!!!
name: Andy
city: Moorhead
Date: Thursday October 23, 2003
Time: 11:35:13 AM
Does anyone know how the salmon fishing is on Sakakawea. Plan on going to the park near Pick City. Andy
name: Andy
city: Moorhead
Date: Thursday October 23, 2003
Time: 11:25:40 AM
Anyone know how the salmon fishing is on Sakakawea right now. Maybe a report on the park by Pick City.
name: Rick
city: Fargo
: fsholbr@hotmail.com
Date: Tuesday September 23, 2003
Time: 10:21:57 PM
salmon are in rodeo Bay. Egg sacks or spinners are working well. Even dry flies would probasbly work since the fish are rising just like trout.
Tight lines,
name: Bill Palanuk
city: Manning, ND
: bill@westrivermedia.com
Date: Monday August 25, 2003
Time: 11:20:15 AM
Aug 24, 2003
Went to Skunk Bay and Independence Point and various points in between yesterday. We fished from 6:30AM until approx. 3PM. Fishing was slow, but we did manage to land a few avaerage to smaller Walleye, an occaissional shiner and 1 white Bass.
My partner Craig Steve hooked on to something (we think a large Walleye) that snapped his 8lb test line. I did mention that it was possible his knot came untied! HA! HA!
Be careful on the road in to Skunk Bay from Mandaree. It is extremely rough with bad washboards. It may be that way by design to discourage speeders. But we did break a belt in one of the tires on Craig's boat trailer.
Traffic on the lake was tolerable and it was a good day fishing!
name: corn
city: nitetime
Date: Wednesday May 14, 2003
Time: 03:43:02 PM
cought many of fish in the bays near pick city, big pike lots of fun bluegils are bigger then you could expect
name: karla
city: mt hope
: hunter3@mhtc.net
Date: Monday May 05, 2003
Time: 12:19:08 AM
name: andrew
city: the cheese state
Date: Monday March 24, 2003
Time: 03:48:50 PM
Out on the lake last weekend, nailed the sauger and walleye had a lot of fun, wish i could do it more
barry emmons
broadus, mt
Thursday October 03, 2002
07:08:01 AM
Grand Forks
Tuesday September 03, 2002
11:29:52 AM
Good Lord do I miss living in western ND.
Labor Day weekend me and a few friends went to the Little Knife Bay area north of New Town. Northerns, white bass, and most importantly walleye were biting on Sunday and Monday. The weather fronts we had on Friday night seemed to wreak a little havoc on the fishing for Saturday. But at even the 30 mph wind on Monday produced fish. Nothing real big or tremendous numbers, just good steady fishing. I ended up keeping a limit of 1.5 to 4.5 lb fish with the vast majority being around 2.5 lbs. Northerns and bass were mostly small, 3-4lb pike and 8-10 inch white bass. Fishing tip for the day, windblown shoreline in 8.5 - 25 ft of water add a chartreuse spinner w/minnow = walleye. One fish on a crank all weekend (although he really slammed it about five ft behind the boat) and not much on the other flavor spinners.
Thursday August 29, 2002
12:09:21 PM
At this point fishing VERY slow all over on the lake. Fished Fort Stevenson area last weekend, and the weekend before at Deepwater bay out to schell, and independence island. Seeing a lot of fish on graph but non in the livewell. I have been told that they are biting in 20 to 35 feet of water, but I did not see the fish that they were saying they caught.
Mr Mackney
Tuesday August 06, 2002
11:34:24 AM
fishin is good, ok, what's bitin this time of year?
Derrick Binstock
Monday July 29, 2002
07:56:55 PM
Fished mckenze bay area saturday and sunday. Prety slow both days. A storm came through friday night and I think that could of had somethin to do with it too or maybee they are just not biting at the arm.
Monday July 29, 2002
06:08:21 PM
Fished Beulah Bay area on Sunday the 28th. Fishing was good while the wind was up but then died off when the wind shut down. Caught everything in 14-18 ft. when it was windy and marked them from 24-30 when wind died.
Norfolk, Ne
Sunday July 28, 2002
10:16:37 PM
I was thinking about planning a trip out there and was wondering what spot would be best for some big cat fish. If anyone could tell i would thankful.
Jason Walden
Wednesday July 03, 2002
05:50:00 PM
Camped at New Town from Friday till Monday. Must have caught 60 or 70 walleye and sauger. Fished the river, and Van Hook. Van Hook was the best for eaters. Caught all the fish on spinners/minnows. Fished the East End today, and caught 12 from 3-5 1/2lbs. pulling cranks. 2 whopper club walleye, and 1 whopper club northern. Released all fish over 20". Good luck!
Brian Fowlds
Sioux Falls, SD
Thursday June 27, 2002
09:12:17 AM
Planning on making a trip to Lake Sakakawea in July wondering what would be the best place for some walleyes. I have never fished this before, so any information would be greatly appreciated! Looking to try the New Town area????
Jason Walden
Sunday June 23, 2002
03:52:29 PM
Don Sears, The salmon have all but quit for the spring. They won't start hitting good until the end of next month. I go pretty much stricktly salmon in the fall. I will probably start downrigging in two or three weeks. If you need a report, feel free to e-mail me.
Chris DeBilt
Berthold , ND
Thursday June 20, 2002
07:43:53 PM
Walleye pretty much biting everywhere..White Earth Bay,Garrison Tailrace and the Van Hook Arm all had good walleye action for me.
scott mcnamee
Grand Forks
Tuesday June 18, 2002
10:17:03 AM
I watch it all the time. It's kinda tough to get a fishing report from out west...I'll see if I can round up a report...
don sears
north platte ne
Tuesday June 18, 2002
08:01:09 AM
Does anyone monitor this site, or am I hitting on the wrong place. Would like to know how the salmon are doing on the lake.
Robert Alink
Yankton S.D.
Thursday May 23, 2002
06:49:39 PM
I will be arriving at lake Sakawea june 15th , 2002 and was wondering if the salmon have started to bite?
Ken Andersen
Omaha, NE
Friday May 17, 2002
05:07:24 AM
I am thinking about coming to Sakakawea in a couple of weeks. Has the Salmon fishing started? Or is Walleye the fish to fish for. Would appreciate any answers posted to this site.
Scott McNamee
Grand Forks
Tuesday January 15, 2002
05:39:14 PM
Scott McNamee
Grand Forks
Thursday December 20, 2001
06:32:25 PM
How's the ice fishing Sakakawea so far this year?
I'm planning a trip out there in the next 2 to 3 weeks...any input?
We are making up some darkhouse spears at our shop...Stainless Steel spears...I hope they will be useful to some folks!
Wednesday December 05, 2001
07:41:29 PM
was walking on the ice in the back bays of sakakawea last weekend while hunting... the ice didn't seem to terribly thick and was scary crossing the areas the cricks ran thru... i think by this weekend you could be fishing in some of the bays if the wind doesn't cause any problems with blowing the ice off, but have to be very careful!
Scott McNamee
Grand Forks
Saturday October 06, 2001
04:08 PM
Thanks, Andy, for your report!
Do you folks ice fish out there? Can you drive on the ice?
Andy Anderson
Williston ND
Friday October 05, 2001
05:10 PM
Great sight! Would just like to let everyone out east know that we are kicking butt on the Lake Sakakawea walleyes on the west end by Williston. Every year the walleyes move into the west end of the lake and up the rivers and give us some awsome fishing. There is no crowd and plenty of room if you are into catching some three to ten pound walleyes. The best area to fish with a boat is probably in the Lund's to Lewis & Clark Park area and bank fishermen would be best off in the river west of Williston. Drop me an email or visit my website if you have any questions. We also have some great catfishing but I would suppose they are babbies compared to what you have in the Red. Andy
Stizostedion vitreum
Friday October 05, 2001
10:54 AM
The lower end of Lake Sakakawea has been producing some good pike action in the back bays. The water must warm up before the pike will bite. The best time has been between 12 noon and 4 PM. Whenthe water is at the highest temperature of the day, that will be the peak action. Drop a thremometer in the water, or if your depth finder has one, watch it closely. You can almost predict when the bite will start getting real good, or when it will slow down. Calm, clear days, with air temps in the 60 - 70 degree range, with bright sunshine will produce a good warming of the water in the back bays, and start the pike on a bite. Fish around brush piles and shallow drop offs close to shore, with a sinking rapala of some kind. Drag it through the mud, or slow enough to stay very close to the bottom, and you should do well.
scott mcnamee
Grand Forks
Thursday October 04, 2001
08:01 PM
Post your reports....they will be available instantly.
And thanks for dropping by!