List of Small Lakes and Rivers
Fishing reports archive
name: PikeBadger
city: GFAFB
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 01/19/2007
Time: 10:14:02 AM
Thanks to those of you for the terra server link. I never realized that the coulees ran on a NW-SE plane. I always thought that it was on a W-E. There are also more ponds than I realized from the ground. I thought there was only 6 or 7. From the air photo, it looks like there are nine or ten. I've never fished on the furthest pond west but I know it has some brush piles in it. When I fished the coulees 4 and 5 years ago, it was full of 25-30 inch northerns. I bet there are some huge ones in their and I wouldn't be surprised if the state record largemouth resides in there. I know a guy that caught a 23 inch, 7 lb largemouth in one of the middle ponds. If I were after a trophy, I think I'd try the middle ponds. I suspect they are very under-pressured.I always had good success with tipups with large smelt(belly sliced with knife) on a 2/0 single hook, 4 or 5 feet off the bottom.
name: fl@g- up
city: Backoo
lake_river: Sweetwater Lake
Date: 01/18/2007
Time: 07:24:51 PM
Has anyone had luck here, havent ever went to sweetwater heard alot about it , any suggestions on spots, stopped in the bar in webster, was told about Morrison Lake what is this place, any thoughts, or report. For reports went to Mt Carmel, Pike fishing it great BIG perch but few and far between. busy all day, water is super clear fished by the pump station. Homme Dam is not to shabby got a bucket of perch, and a few salutes by the tipups, I was right around the corner of the fishing dock , about 100yd. thanks
name: no name
city: gf nd
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 01/16/2007
Time: 01:20:16 PM
Just to clear this up, go to this Terra Server site. You can change the view to see where you are from GF.. Basically, its SW of GF. copy and paste this http://terraserver.homeadvisor.msn.com/image.aspx?T=1&S=15&Z=14&X=98&Y=827&W=1&qs=%7cGRAND+FORKS%7cND%7c
There are pike perch and bass in there. Lots of shallow areas and kinda hard to get there when there is a lot of snow
name: Isaac
city: Grand forksn
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 01/15/2007
Time: 07:16:36 PM
Alright, I found the right english coulee so disregard my last post. I realize that wasn't the right location.
name: Isaac (sportbiker7@yahoo.com)
city: Grand forks
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 01/14/2007
Time: 09:17:39 PM
Alright, I'm wondering what is the deal with this English Coulee? I think I know the location everyone is talking about, but I'm not sure. There are 3 cement ponds that progressivly step down into the red river right? The spot is down a gravel road just off of old mill road. If this is the spot everyone is talking about, then it didn't produce this summer because there wasn't anything but misquito eggs in it. It was really shallow. A lot of the posts were old that I read, so I'm wondering if this spot is still good anymore? And another thing, how did perch get there? What supplies this coulee? Is it the same one that runs through UND. If so, are there fish in the UND Coulee? I'd appreciate any info people have on this subject.
name: joe
city: canton
lake_river: Buffalo Lake-Sgt. County
Date: 08/28/2006
Time: 04:26:49 PM
all my fish
name: fishingman
city: grand forks
lake_river: Larimore Dam
Date: 07/27/2006
Time: 05:15:24 PM
<reason: we're not here to be rude.>
name: Mark Williams
city: Grand Forks AFB
lake_river: Larimore Dam
Date: 07/10/2006
Time: 12:43:43 AM
Holy Smokes the perch and bluegills are hitting hard and fast at Larimore Dam! My daughter went out there last weekend (the 4th) with three of her friends and each one took about 10-15 of each! She came home and said, "Dad, we gotta go back to Larimore next weekend!" Well, I took all 4 of my kids out today and between us we got 22 perch (6-7 inch), 5 blugills, and 2 Walleyes (one 12" and one 14".) All of them from the fishing dock on snells with crawlers!! We'd have stayed longer than the 3 hours it took us if I hadn't of put a turkey in the smoker before we took off to the lake!
I've always heard how crappy it is from the shore or docks on Larimore but this weather must be doing something right! Best time I've had fishing with the kids in a long time!
Go fish Larimore Dam!
name: Zach Manning
city: Moorhead
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 03/29/2006
Time: 03:28:43 PM
I absolutely hammered the brown trout on dry flies. One muskie hit a wet nymph but snapped my tippet. A mallard went after my fly one time but I scared him away before he could get it. I tied into a snapping turtle near shore but my net was too small. Also saw an eel pout/perch hybrid swim. It was an experience of a lifetime i only had read about!
name: Zachary Manning
city: Moorhead
lake_river: Alkaline Lake
Date: 03/24/2006
Time: 11:50:12 AM
The trout were hitting good today! Also worth noting four sea bass. They all hit topwater plugs. Bait was hard to come by so I netted some shrimp scampy with a seine in shallow water. Also snagged one eel pout but threw it back.
name: Berdnt Gullickson
city: Anchorage
lake_river: Patterson Lake
Date: 03/04/2006
Time: 12:17:04 AM
I caught two rainbow trout and four johnny darters all in shallow water. I then moved to deeper water and caught something that looked like a paddlefish.
name: Berdnt Gullickson
city: Anchorage
lake_river: Patterson Lake
Date: 03/04/2006
Time: 12:17:03 AM
I caught two rainbow trout and four johnny darters all in shallow water. I then moved to deeper water and caught something that looked like a paddlefish.
name: fishing man
city: grand forks
lake_river: Larimore Dam
Date: 02/22/2006
Time: 12:43:05 PM
I went out there this weekend and i would have to say who ever owns that place needes to restock it. I wont be going back there till they do.
name: Lee
city: Grand Forks AFB
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 02/11/2006
Time: 08:37:07 PM
Was out on the middle pond, near the inlet and caught 2 nice size pike and a few small perch. Got stuck on the way out though! Can't wait to put a small boat out there this spring/summer.
name: Matt
city: Grand forks
lake_river: Larimore Dam
Date: 01/01/2006
Time: 02:03:50 PM
Dave, I'm heading out to Larimoure with a buddy tomorrow morning just wanting to know a little more about how you did there. Shoot me an email at sportsman_mireault@hotmail.com Thanks alot
name: Dave
city: Grand Forks
lake_river: Larimore Dam
Date: 12/29/2005
Time: 09:15:21 PM
Today was my first day on the "hard water" with my Marcum LX-3.....it was, pardon the cheezy line, fast and furious catching Crappies and Bluegills...drilled total of 8 holes....four produced. All the action was between 3:30pm and 4:30pm. Lots of little perch prior to make thing entertaining....need to bring beer next time though!
name: WUDDY
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 12/21/2005
Time: 02:50:29 PM
To Jeff Schuetzle, you wanted to know bout the coulee? Go to this site and zoom back until you can see the coulee, the roads and what you need to get there. You can cross to go to the first pond, or snow depth permitting, along the dike and cross at the power lines then drive on the ice. DO NOT DRIVE BETWEEN THE PONDS AND THE DIKE, this will get you a fine go to this site http://terraserver-usa.com/image.aspx?t=1&s=10&x=3152&y=26491&z=14&w=2
name: ice fisher
city: Grand Forks
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 12/20/2005
Time: 12:17:09 PM
for Jeff Schuetzle, you wanted to know how the coulee is set up, go to http://terraserver-usa.com/image.aspx?t=1&s=10&x=3152&y=26491&z=14&w=2 copy and paste this into your browser. This is the satelitite pic pf the area. You can see the ponds and the roads to get in. Just remember, if you drive out there, do not drive between the dike and the water or onto the dike. That will get you a fine. There are two places to drive over the dike, one on the west end and one at the power line. Good luck
name: fishing man
city: Grand forks
lake_river: Larimore Dam
Date: 12/08/2005
Time: 09:34:55 AM
Tried to submit a report on larimore dam last night hope this one goes. I would say the ice should be thick enough by now to fish there, but i will look this weekend.
name: Paul
city: Vestal
lake_river: request a lake
Date: 12/07/2005
Time: 05:58:39 PM
I Was wondering if you guys erver fished whitney point resivor and if you have ne ice fishing hints?
name: fishing man
city: Grand forks
lake_river: Larimore Dam
Date: 12/07/2005
Time: 06:20:07 AM
Hey matt i was out there last weekend looking at it and i would say it is ready. So good luck and have fun.
name: fishing man
city: Grand forks
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 12/07/2005
Time: 06:17:44 AM
Hey LEE the fishing is slow i will admit at the coulees but if you try the second pond i think you will have a little better luck. Just remember keep the big ones and let the little ones go, so they will grow up to be big ones. I will be out there this weekend fill free to stop by. I will be in the green otter 2 resort.
name: Matt M
city: Grand forks
lake_river: Larimore Dam
Date: 12/04/2005
Time: 10:43:33 PM
Does anyone know the ice thickness or have any reports for larimoure dam??? I'll be going out there next weekend so any info would be appreciated.
name: Lee
city: GFAFB
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 12/01/2005
Time: 07:08:11 PM
Has anyone been out to the Coulee's to see what the ice is like out there yet? I have never had any luck out there, but don't want to give up on it. Its a nice little spot.
name: Jeff Schuetzle
city: Grand Forks
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 11/28/2005
Time: 01:24:41 PM
Can someone explain to me how the coulee is set up? I have fished there 2 times but I dont know what is considered the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or main ponds. How many ponds are there? And how (what roads do you have to take to get to the different ponds)do you get there. Any insight to this would be great.
name: fishingman
city: Grand Forks
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 11/23/2005
Time: 04:13:28 PM
Hey does anyone know where i can have my Auger worked on? O and has anyone fished the first pound because it is producing some nice perch.
name: Nich Hudson
city: Grand forks
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 11/02/2005
Time: 12:00:54 PM
I was at the english coulees second pond and I casted a fake frog for big bass but I caught a 28 inch 6 pound Northern pike.
name: Nich Hudson
city: Grand Forks
lake_river: Turtle River
Date: 10/20/2005
Time: 03:46:53 PM
I went fishing at Turtle River two Sundays ago and I was at the sandy area near the one and only picnic table then there is a slanted cliff and there is a sandy area and thats were I was. I casted about two foot away fom the bottom of the cliff. I used small yellow and orange jighead with and a bobber, my was down about 18 inches. Then I let it sit there and it was bobbing up and down then it went all the way under and I set the hook and it jumped once and I reeled it in and it was a 13 inch Rainbow Trout I wanted to keep it for me and my friend but my mom wouldn't let us because she thought it was dying. But it wasn't it's gills were still moving.
name: Nich Hudson
city: Grand Forks
lake_river: Turtle River
Date: 10/20/2005
Time: 03:40:23 PM
I went fishing at Turtle River two Sundays ago and I was at the sandy area near the one and only picnic table then there is a slanted cliff and there is a sandy area and thats were I was. I casted about two foot away fom the bottom of the cliff. I used small yellow and orange jighead with and a bobber, my was down about 18 inches. Then I let it sit there and it was bobbing up and down then it went all the way under and I set the hook and it jumped once and I reeled it in and it was a 13 inch Rainbow Trout I wanted to keep it for me and my friend but my mom wouldn't let us because she thought it was dying.
name: Nich Hudson
city: Grand Forks
lake_river: Turtle River
Date: 10/20/2005
Time: 03:40:02 PM
I went fishing at Turtle River two Sundays ago and I was at the sandy area near the one and only picnic table then there is a slanted cliff and there is a sandy area and thats were I was. I casted about two foot away fom the bottom of the cliff. I used small yellow and orange jighead with and a bobber, my was down about 18 inches. Then I let it sit there and it was bobbing up and down then it went all the way under and I set the hook and it jumped once and I reeled it in and it was a 13 inch Rainbow Trout I wanted to keep it for me and my friend but my mom wouldn't let us because she thought it was dying.
name: Nich Hudson
city: Grand Forks
lake_river: Turtle River
Date: 10/20/2005
Time: 03:39:11 PM
I went fishing at Turtle River two Sundays ago and I was at the sandy area near the one and only picnic table then there is a slanted cliff and there is a sandy area and thats were I was. I casted about two foot away fom the bottom of the cliff. I used small yellow and orange jighead with and a bobber, my was down about 18 inches. Then I let it sit there and it was bobbing up and down then it went all the way under and I set the hook and it jumped once and I reeled it in and it was a 13 inch Rainbow Trout I wanted to keep it for me and my friend but my mom wouldn't let us because she thought it was dying.
name: Nich Hudson
city: Grand Forks
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 09/24/2005
Time: 11:41:14 AM
How do you get to the second and third ponds without crossing over the dike? What are the specific roads you take to get there?
I caught 1 pound perch on a yellow and white fuzzy grub with a crawler on the rocks. I fished the reeds to the right of me.
Where are the pike are they in the first second or third? Do you need a boat to catch the pike? I tried fishing for pike from shore by the beach at the first pond,I had no luck. What do the pike like to bite on.
name: levi
city: Grand Forks
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 09/12/2005
Time: 01:43:13 PM
Went to the main "West" pond several times over the past couple weeks. I have been killing the perch by tying my small raft to the reeds along the south side and jigging with small hooks and nightcrawlers. Pulled out nearly 100 fish in a few hours while fishing with a couple friends a couple weeks ago. Many were a decent size. Good luck everyone.
name: fishingman
city: grandforks
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 07/06/2005
Time: 02:37:06 PM
Well went out to the second pond at the coulee last weekend in a boat and fished all day with only to small pike caught. Well hope the fishing picks up because the second pond isnt doing much.
name: mike
city: bismarck
lake_river: request a lake
Date: 06/06/2005
Time: 06:02:50 PM
Ohhh ya i also caught one 20" 5lbs rainbow on a red spoon.... this one was very comparable to the size trout that i normally catch in colorado.. caught at fish creek dam.
name: mike
city: bismarck
lake_river: request a lake
Date: 06/06/2005
Time: 05:52:37 PM
I caught 2 18" 4lbs rainbows on nightcrawlers at fish creek dam
name: artsygrrl2002
city: Hope
lake_river: Brewer Lake
Date: 05/30/2005
Time: 01:35:31 PM
Hey there fisher peoples! Kinda new to the area and wondering where some good shore fishing is? Oh, for a boat. Brewer? Golden? Ashtabula? Good river spots?
name: Viking
city: Northwood
lake_river: Larimore Dam
Date: 05/02/2005
Time: 11:18:48 AM
Anything biting at Larimore or one of the Golden lakes?
name: Dave
city: Grand Forks
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 04/22/2005
Time: 09:30:09 PM
Out at the diversion couple of days ago, windy and sunny. Caught a Northern on second cast,daredevil, and then about half hour later caught another northern(probably the same one..C&R the first) on a silver Mepps bucktail spinner.
name: Nathan Niggleton
city: Dakota
lake_river: Fordville Dam
Date: 04/08/2005
Time: 08:59:45 PM
hi, niggle naths is back i caught a massive northern on the dam the other day the ice is melted now, its wonderful fishing the niggaler rules! yeah! go niggle naths, you legend! i went with my friend waldorf see you all later, just tell your friends nathan niggleton is a legend
name: fishingman
city: Grand forks
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 03/13/2005
Time: 09:09:54 AM
Does anyone know if you can get to the second pound from route 13? How deep is the snow.
name: Quackattack
city: Grand Forks
lake_river: Larimore Dam
Date: 03/04/2005
Time: 11:46:23 AM
Dave how many fish do you end up catching? I went out there last weekend and we kept 5 nice perch. The fish were there but they didn't want to bite. We were fishing in 17ft of water. Anyone else been out there lately? any luck? I'm going out again this saturday/sunday so would like some info. thanks guys
name: Dave(david.sears@und.edu)
city: Grand Forks
lake_river: Larimore Dam
Date: 02/28/2005
Time: 08:30:39 PM
I caught a 10.5"(yes I measured it) perch Sat.(26th) morning out at Larimore Dam....not bad after arriving late, then realizing that I forgot my rods back in GF after setting up for the day...it made my day alright after that!
name: quackattack
city: grand forks
lake_river: Matejcek Dam
Date: 02/24/2005
Time: 11:54:24 AM
Ice Pro, Haven't heard much on Matejcek dam but the fishing tournament was January 22nd. I was in it and we only caugh 1 small walleye, it was pretty dead that day. Have you been out to larimoure lately? anyone been to larimoure? going out there saturday need some info
name: dan
city: Wis
lake_river: Lake Metigoshe
Date: 02/22/2005
Time: 04:52:01 PM
we are planning a trip there to Devils in march i was wondering if anyone had caught anything on Metigoshe and were to try for the gills . thanks
name: fishin machine
city: XXXX
lake_river: South golden Lake
Date: 02/04/2005
Time: 11:10:11 PM
Has any one caught anything out on golden want to try it for the first time this year
name: fishing machine
city: XXXX
lake_river: North Golden Lake
Date: 01/28/2005
Time: 08:27:12 PM
Has anyone been fishing out there how thick is the ice
name: blue bear
city: jamestown n.d.
lake_river: Flood Lake
Date: 01/25/2005
Time: 10:05:07 PM
hows the fishing going are they bitting
name: blue bear
city: jamestown n.d.
lake_river: Flood Lake
Date: 01/25/2005
Time: 10:05:00 PM
hows the fishing going are they bitting
name: blue bear
city: jamestown n.d.
lake_river: Flood Lake
Date: 01/25/2005
Time: 10:04:14 PM
hows the fishing going are they bitting
name: blue bear
city: jamestown n.d.
lake_river: Flood Lake
Date: 01/25/2005
Time: 09:49:14 PM
hows the fishing going are they bitting
name: blue bear
city: jamestown n.d.
lake_river: Flood Lake
Date: 01/25/2005
Time: 09:43:23 PM
whats the fishing like are they bitting
name: Ice Man
city: Thompson
lake_river: comment
Date: 01/18/2005
Time: 11:23:43 AM
I was on North Golden yesterday and besides 2 little northerns that would not reach across the hole, NOTHING. Lots of snow, but its crusted and easy to get around, Looks the same on South. Was at the sore and there is no access to south there. Go over to the west side.
name: IceManiac
city: Hillsboro
lake_river: South golden Lake
Date: 01/16/2005
Time: 12:25:39 AM
Anyone fish any of the Golden lakes lately really would like to get a couple of bites I drove up to devils this weekend and tried Minnewaukan flats and mavey colle or something like that but didnt get a hit at all. Thanks
name: ICE MAN
lake_river: comment
Date: 01/12/2005
Time: 03:19:04 PM
Iceman, Nope, Go talk to the Sherriff. I did. Just drive over the dike at the approved place and do not drive between the dike and the ponds. In other words, drive on the ice
name: DoubleDropTine
city: Edgeley
lake_river: Dry Lake
Date: 01/12/2005
Time: 01:09:09 AM
Anybody been out on Dry Lake, Flood Lake, or Pheasant Lake down around the Ashley/Ellendale/Kulm Area? How is the bite? I've been hauling my house from lake to lake all winter trying to find a good spot. South Hobart has been best for perch so far but I'm looking for some more spots to set up camp.
name: ice pro
city: grand forks
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 01/10/2005
Time: 06:38:56 PM
it is a $1000 fine if you drive over the dike the only legal way over the dike is to walk also the only legal driving access over the dike is at the west end
name: iceman
city: Thompson
lake_river: comment
Date: 01/10/2005
Time: 09:26:22 AM
Fishingman, YES, it is true you can go to all the ponds at the English Coulee Diversion. Drive in from the west, go thru the open gate and over the dike at the power poles. Drive onto the ice there. DO NOT drive near the dike. PROBLEM is, there is so much snow there now, you may not be able to get around there. There are a lot of ponds and a lot of big fish. maybe if there is more traffic in there, someone will clear the snow/
name: wizard of eyes
city: larimore
lake_river: Larimore Dam
Date: 01/07/2005
Time: 03:27:12 PM
Tickets for the Larimore tourny are sold at the Vet's Club in Larimore.
name: wizard of eyes
city: larimore
lake_river: Larimore Dam
Date: 01/07/2005
Time: 03:26:08 PM
Tickets for the Larimore tourny are sold at the Vet's Club in Larimore.
name: Jeff
city: Grand Forks
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 01/07/2005
Time: 12:01:28 PM
Where is this diversion? Looking for a summer spot. Thanks
name: ice pro
city: grand forks
lake_river: Matejcek Dam
Date: 01/06/2005
Time: 02:02:44 PM
any info on the tourney at matejcek dam would be nice
name: ice pro
city: grand forks
lake_river: Larimore Dam
Date: 01/06/2005
Time: 02:02:01 PM
where do u buy tickets at
name: ice pro
city: grand forks
lake_river: Larimore Dam
Date: 01/06/2005
Time: 01:58:09 PM
where do you but tickets at
name: Tom
city: Grand forks
lake_river: Larimore Dam
Date: 01/06/2005
Time: 01:29:30 PM
tournament is 5 Feb and tickets are on sale now
name: TOM
city: Grand forks
lake_river: comment
Date: 01/06/2005
Time: 01:27:06 PM
The larimore tournament tickets are on sale now for $10 apiece, and it is on 5 Feb. Still a good time and even if you dont catch anything, ya get a chance for the drawings, and a great time
name: fishing man
city: grandforks
lake_river: Larimore Dam
Date: 01/05/2005
Time: 12:05:04 PM
I dont think there is one there.
name: fish on
city: grand forks
lake_river: Larimore Dam
Date: 01/03/2005
Time: 06:54:12 AM
Does anyone know when the larimore fishing tourny is.
name: ice pro
city: Grand Forks
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 01/01/2005
Time: 08:37:57 PM
the west road to get to the diversion is impassable we got stuck today on it snow was about 9 inches deep with 2 to 3 foot drifts
name: ice pro
city: Grand forks
lake_river: Matejcek Dam
Date: 12/29/2004
Time: 08:14:03 PM
does anyone know when the fishin tournment is at matejcek dam is this year
name: fishingman
city: Grandforks
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 12/28/2004
Time: 08:37:37 AM
Well went fishing sunday at the first pond and had some luck caught two really good size pike one weighted 14 pounds. Really no kiding. I also heard that you can know drive back to the third pond. IS THIS TRUE?because i cant seem to find a way back there. Has anyone caught any thing back there? Please reply, because i would like to think that since nobody looks at that pond much that it should have some big fish in it.
name: fishingman
city: Grandforks
lake_river: Fordville Dam
Date: 12/28/2004
Time: 08:35:42 AM
Well went fishing sunday at the first pond and had some luck caught two really good size pike one weighted 14 pounds. Really no kiding. I also heard that you can know drive back to the third pond. IS THIS TRUE?because i cant seem to find a way back there. Has anyone caught any thing back there? Please reply, because i would like to think that since nobody looks at that pond much that it should have some big fish in it.
name: ADogg
city: Fargo
lake_river: comment
Date: 12/27/2004
Time: 03:25:11 PM
These are great Hi Tek rod holders from <snipped by admin> They work night and day and have 2 bright and very loud bite indicators. I bought 4 while jigging the 5th. supa buy.
No adverts, please
name: Skippy
city: Grand Forks
lake_river: Larimore Dam
Date: 12/26/2004
Time: 09:41:40 PM
Larimore has about 15 inches of ice and 7 vehicles drove on it today, fishing was good caught about 40 or so perch and one tiny Northern
name: Qmoney
city: Fargo
lake_river: Brewer Lake
Date: 12/23/2004
Time: 02:31:21 PM
I'd like to get a report on Brewer Lake if anyone has been on it, or has been catching anything, and how much ice is on the lake, thank you.
name: ice pro
city: Grand Forks
lake_river: Larimore Dam
Date: 12/22/2004
Time: 07:26:58 PM
larimore should be 6-9 inches thick all the small lake are about that right now
name: corey
city: grand forks
lake_river: Larimore Dam
Date: 12/22/2004
Time: 04:50:50 PM
how much ice is on larimore
if you no plz email me at
name: fishbit
city: fargo
lake_river: Brewer Lake
Date: 12/16/2004
Time: 06:43:07 AM
ice on brewer 14 dec at 6 pm was 6 to 7 inches, fished for 2 hrs marked fish, but no luck.
name: fishbit
city: fargo
lake_river: Brewer Lake
Date: 12/14/2004
Time: 06:17:57 PM
fishing brewer lake, ice 6 incehes will give report on the 15th dec .
name: Naths Niggleton aka niggle naths aka figgle naths
city: Nigalertonville
lake_river: Fordville Dam
Date: 12/12/2004
Time: 12:28:24 AM
My name is nathan niggleton. go niggle naths. aka figgaler.
i went fishing at the good ol' fordville dam. i hooked up a mighty bluegill, and it tasted wonderful wonder. it weighed 10lb. carn the niggaler.
name: Nathan Niggleton
city: undisclosed
lake_river: Tamarac River
Date: 09/25/2004
Time: 10:26:53 PM
caught a massive Catfish which weighed easily 5kg. I am a legend!!! Nathan Niggleton rules!! carn the mighty pies
name: Niggle Naths
city: Idaho
lake_river: Sheyanne River
Date: 09/25/2004
Time: 10:24:19 PM
caught a lot of fish on bait.
name: jeramie
city: ashley
lake_river: request a lake
Date: 08/03/2004
Time: 04:29:07 PM
pheasant lake is good at night about 6:30 pm
name: jeramie
city: ashley
lake_river: comment
Date: 08/03/2004
Time: 04:28:22 PM
pheasant lake is good at night about 6:30 pm
name: MnSportsFan
city: GFAFB
lake_river: Fordville Dam
Date: 07/21/2004
Time: 11:59:27 AM
So the bluegill are pretty accessible from shore for the kids? Thanks!
name: richard
city: grand forks
lake_river: Fordville Dam
Date: 07/20/2004
Time: 11:15:01 AM
i took the kids fishing at fordville dam last weekend(7-16-04). we caught lots of bluegill and some crappie. we had to walk down to the back side of the dam where they are letting water out of the lake to catch anything.
name: corey
city: grand forks
email: corey_barrett7@hotmail.com
lake_river: request a lake
Date: 07/10/2004
Time: 06:41:11 PM
does any one know a good bass lake under 4 hours away from grand forks
name: Kris Moen
city: Gilby
email: moener25@Hotmail.com
lake_river: Fordville Dam
Date: 07/05/2004
Time: 07:40:47 PM
Has anyone been fishing Fordville Dam or Matejcek Dam this summer? Planning on going to both this week. ANy info would be appreciated.
name: Greg
city: Donnybrook
lake_river: comment
Date: 06/30/2004
Time: 10:22:58 AM
Northgate dam 6-27 real good activity 2 20 in trout on rattle trap and 15 trout from 6-10 inches 9 waleye all 6-9 inches one 16 inches in 20 feet of water all small eyes hit from bottom went with rattletrap and 1 oz weight to get 15 feet and the deeper the bigger the fish spent 4 hrs and cought and released 20-25 kept 3 of the biggest one trout weighed 3.4 lbs and waleye in at 4.2 lbs
name: greg
city: Donnybrook
lake_river: comment
Date: 06/30/2004
Time: 10:17:41 AM
McGregor dam 6-29-04 Lot of chunks of moss and algee too much moss for lure action even very few fish on the finder
name: john williams
city: minot afb
email: bee_eazy2004@yahoo.com
lake_river: request a lake
Date: 06/27/2004
Time: 11:47:03 PM
can someone please tell me and my wife what places are good to fish at within 30 miles of minot. we are new to the area!
name: Woody
city: Grand Forks
email: hereigo@hotmail.com
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 06/26/2004
Time: 11:19:38 PM
Mackie... You can drive right up to the first pond by taking Merrifield Road and then turning south on county road 13. To get to the back pond, head south on the road that goes by the hunting and kennel club, cross Merrifield Road, countinue for about 2 or 3 miles, and turn right on a dead end road. The is a farm on the left and a shooting range right next to the dike.
name: mackie
city: grand forks afb
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 06/22/2004
Time: 04:19:21 PM
still no luck finding a back way to the coulee's.....but i heard that there is a way, any help would help out alot....
name: christian
city: grand forks
email: christian.henderson@und.edu
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 06/02/2004
Time: 10:38:35 AM
from what I've found you must use a boat to get to the back ponds of the english coulee. however so far from fishing it seemed like it was to eraly in the season caught some pike but that was it. some being 2
name: Tony Burnage
city: Luton
email: arsenal2002@msn.com
lake_river: request a lake
Date: 06/01/2004
Time: 05:30:03 PM
Just to let u all no if u live in luton or near bedford go to tingrith fishery theres 3 lakes and the 1st 1 is great its £8 for 1 rod and 10:50 4 2 rods if u go do float fishing u will catch more fish than if u leger gd luck all and e mail me if u no any good lakes
name: MACKIE
city: grand forks ab
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 05/26/2004
Time: 05:22:31 PM
does anyone know how to get to the coulee through that back???? i went out last weekend to see if there was a way to drive to the back ponds with no luck.....
name: MnSportsFan
city: GFAFB
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 04/27/2004
Time: 08:43:55 AM
I work in Comm. I hope to get out there this weekend sometime if the weather holds up. Devils Lake is usually always good unless a nasty cold front or something comes through. They are biting pretty good right now. Talk to ya later.
name: J-DUB
city: Grand Forks
lake_river: comment
Date: 04/26/2004
Time: 06:54:59 PM
Hey MnSportsFan, thanks for the info! I work in CES/utilities, how 'bout yourself? Anyway, I might check out Lincoln Park and/or across from the Moose on Friday....figure since it's my first time fishing the Red I might as well start anywhere I can get to. Will probably go to Devil's Lake on Sat. and have heard that Black Tiger Bay is a pretty good spot so just might have to check it out. Again, thanks for the info and if you have anything to share on other places I am all ears.
Good luck!
name: MnSportsFan
city: GFAFB
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 04/26/2004
Time: 10:03:47 AM
Hey J-Dub, you on the base? If so where do you work? If you try behind cabelas or any one of the many local parks in town they have pretty good shore fishing spots on the red. I am going to try and get out this weekend. The bite is starting to pick up I hear. Talk to ya later.
name: J-DUB
city: Grand Forks
email: aageman@hotmail.com
lake_river: request a lake
Date: 04/25/2004
Time: 08:13:52 PM
Hello all, am just starting to get back into the fishing scene (been over seas far too long!) and would like some info on some lakes/dams around the G.F. area. Was out at the coulees last weekend and had some luck but nothing to write home about. Drove up to Homme Dam, Whitman, and Matejzeck Dam.....any info on these areas would be greatly appreciated. Also would like to find a fairly easy access site to fish on the Red. Thanks for any info.
name: MnSportsFan
city: GFAFB
lake_river: request a lake
Date: 04/20/2004
Time: 08:43:15 AM
Has anybody ever fished stewart lake northeast of Meckinock? I drove out there yesterday, decent sized lake, but it looked more like a wildlife refuge with all the waterfowl, don't know how deep it is. Thanks for any info.
name: EricR
city: Fargo
lake_river: request a lake
Date: 04/08/2004
Time: 04:07:25 PM
I'd heard of a great pike lake south of Hankinson called Elsie. Any info on this lake would be appreciated.
name: letcherz
city: valley
lake_river: Maple Lake
Date: 03/31/2004
Time: 09:46:37 PM
Where is maple lake, I've never heard of it before??
name: fishcatcher(the one and only)
city: North Dakota
email: --------------------------------
lake_river: Maple Lake
Date: 03/31/2004
Time: 05:06:38 PM
Okay from some very reliable sources the fishing on maple lake is destined. One spot I heard about was around trinity point, if you don't know where this is, it's on the other side of that large Island sticking out. There catching crappies and even a few lose northerns that are hanging around. I'm not doing this to just blab out a secret but I'm giving you the opportunity to fish where the fishing is good. Thanks for listening, The fishmaster(the one and only)!!!!!
name: Toby Mougey
city: Valley City
email: mougey_1@yahoo.com
lake_river: Sheyanne River
Date: 03/25/2004
Time: 05:04:57 PM
Fishing starting to pick up on the sheyenne. most of the ice is off around valley city. caught several northerns, walleyes slow so far, caught a few smaller ones. does anyone know of a great spot south of valley? it you do give me a shout at my email.
name: fishing man
city: grand forks
lake_river: Larimore Dam
Date: 03/25/2004
Time: 03:24:28 PM
Well i guess the warm weather is here.Caught alot of fish last weekend but i do not think it will be safe to go ice fishing there this weekend.Well hope every body is getting ready for the open water because in a couple of weeks,just as long as the warm weather holds out it will be time to go out and cast some lures and then it will be time to go after the big catfish on the red.Hope every body has some good off time see you on the open water.
name: fishing man
city: Grand forks
lake_river: Larimore Dam
Date: 03/10/2004
Time: 11:22:20 AM
Well went out to larimore saturday and sunday,caught alot of perch by using my under water camera.Had alot of fun hope it stays cool enough to go again this weekend.The ice was still 25in but if it doesnt get to warm i think it will be safe to go again. Get out there people and fish on the ice while you can .
name: bjm
city: grand forks
lake_river: Matejcek Dam
Date: 02/27/2004
Time: 03:20:40 PM
name: ice newbie
city: Grand forks
lake_river: Larimore Dam
Date: 02/26/2004
Time: 11:50:21 AM
Well went out yesterday and used my underwater camera.Saw alot of perch and some crappie.Didnt know there where crappie in there.I caught about a dozen perch and a couple of nice crappie but no northerins. Has anyone been able to get to the coolies out on 13 lately it was hot in december and i would like to try it again.
name: The Wise One
city: Near By
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 02/21/2004
Time: 11:50:38 PM
If it is not already known, you can get to the other water ways, through the back way if you know it, if not hopefully you can find someon who does, good luck. Fishing is awesome under the power lines.
name: locator
city: egf
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 02/20/2004
Time: 03:36:56 PM
thanks gundy
name: Gundy
city: EGF
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 02/20/2004
Time: 01:21:06 PM
Well three of us went out there on Monday. You have to park about .75 to 1 mile away from the dike. Well when we got to the ice we caught a 3-4 lb northern right away. Then at 4:15 we got a 33 inch 10 lb northern and about 15 minutes later caught another almost identical to the other 10 lb. We only caught one perch there but we were mainly set up for the northerns.
name: locator
city: egf
lake_river: Larimore Dam
Date: 02/20/2004
Time: 11:41:55 AM
Wondering if anyone has been to larimore lately?Is there still a road plowed,do you need a snowmobile?How's fishin?
I can tell you a little bit about the English coulee.I read an old report and somebody was wondering about the fence and how somebody got there pickup out there.
Well the guy driving the truck out there is a farmer that lives very close to there.He's got a key for the gates.How and why he's got it...dont know.How's fishin there anyway?
This would be a great site for us fishermen if people would take the time to type a few words. go get em
name: avid reader
city: everywhere
lake_river: comment
Date: 02/05/2004
Time: 01:29:50 PM
Is no one reading or doing anything? No one is making any reports, or are they not out fishing because the temps are too low? Maybe thats it, its too cold even for DAKS. NOT
name: Wallinsky
city: SE ND
lake_river: Dry Lake
Date: 01/09/2004
Time: 09:49:12 PM
WOW!!!! What a fishery this is! Great action and some really nice keepers.
name: Tim
city: EGF
lake_river: Maple Lake
Date: 12/29/2003
Time: 12:54:15 AM
i was just woundering if any one have been to maple latly and if the crappie or walleyes have been bittin
good luck fishin
name: TIPUP
city: GFK
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 12/26/2003
Time: 06:54:33 AM
So what is the story here? Can we fish this little honey hole or not? That would definitely suck if we are not able to drive out onto these little ponds. Go figure it would take a few people to ruin it for others who respect the land.
name: No Fish Catcher
city: Grand Forks
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 12/22/2003
Time: 10:24:58 AM
I was out at the Dike the other day and dragging stuff over the dike really sucks. Saw some one drive a pickup over the crossing up under the power line. What is up with that?
name: tom
city: grand forks
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 12/15/2003
Time: 05:46:06 PM
no, never wet a line. too upset
name: Tightline
city: Northwood
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 12/15/2003
Time: 04:10:22 PM
Tom, that is too bad about it being fenced off at the coulee. Did you catch any fish when you were there?
name: Tom
city: Grand Forks
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 12/15/2003
Time: 01:10:06 PM
Well, I am not feeling so lucky now. Went out to the English Coulee whis weekend and went in from the west and the only water accessable is the west pond. THE REST IS CABLED OFF. Seems the water board closed it off because people were driving over the dike. Typical case where a few cause a problem and all get punished. Just how does one go about making a petition? Would anyone be interested in signing? Seems like if there was enough people interested, they might listen? What do you all think?
name: Randy
city: Bismarck
email: riverrats@btinet.net
lake_river: request a lake
Date: 12/14/2003
Time: 09:48:36 PM
Went to Lake Geneva Sunday afternoon. Perch bite was slow and small.
name: Tom
city: Grand Forks
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 12/10/2003
Time: 01:06:20 PM
with the cold weather all week, the fishing gods are calling me to the Coulee this weekend. I am feeling very lucky
name: tom
city: Grand Forks
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 12/10/2003
Time: 01:04:07 PM
with this cold weather all week, I am definitly going to the Coulee and soak a line this weekend. Oh the great fishing gods are speaking to me. I am feeling lucky
name: mike
city: bismarck
lake_river: Dry Lake
Date: 12/09/2003
Time: 07:50:14 PM
I'm going to Wishek area this weekend and was wondering if the bite is on at Dry, Goose, Mud, Mundt, Miller, or Green lake yet? Has the ice been pretty good in the area?
name: Tightline
city: Northwood
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 12/09/2003
Time: 11:13:44 AM
Went to the coulee on Sunday from about 3:30 to 5:00. I walked over the dike on the East side. Ice was about 9". Perch were not biting. Two people were leaving when I got there otherwise there was no one else out there accept the game warden and he said no one else was catching much either. Good luck.
name: Tom
city: Grand forks
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 12/08/2003
Time: 03:30:30 PM
Was anyone out there this wekend? If so, who did you do and what is the ice like and what about getting in there. Mud etc. I talked to the Sheriff last week and he said just use the west ramp and do not drive on the dike.
name: josephine
city: walhalla
email: juicebox2001@hotmail.com
lake_river: request a lake
Date: 12/03/2003
Time: 08:45:35 PM
i'm looking to go ice-fishing this weekend. Does anyone know a good spot? I would sure appreciate the help. Thank You!
name: Tightline
city: Northwood
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 11/10/2003
Time: 11:01:05 AM
I checked out the Coulee on Sat. and it was fenced off at the main entrance. There was as small walk through gate though. I imagine they fenced it off to keep people from driving on the dam. Good Luck
name: Tightline
city: Northwood
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 11/07/2003
Time: 01:57:58 PM
Tom, I'll check it out probably tomorrow Sat. Nov. 8. I'll post my report here. I sure hope it is accessable. Good luck.
name: tom
city: Grand Forks
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 11/06/2003
Time: 04:44:42 PM
When youdo check it out, post your note here
name: Tightline
city: Northwood
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 11/05/2003
Time: 01:43:03 PM
I hope the Coulee is not all chained up. That is one of my favorite spots during first ice. I am going to go check it out. Good luck.