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caption: spiderman

caption: Cargo are that easily handles 4x8 sheets of plywood

caption: That was a dumb ass thing to do

caption: wtf?

caption: Americans getting supplies to build a house

caption: A man who gets things done.

caption: Rednecks Hydraulics

caption: It rides like a lumberwagon too

caption: Ole`s only concern that day -- Sully`s Hill?

caption: ooooooooooooo

caption: How to save gas money: Method 1.

caption: not too smart

caption: nice low rider

caption: who needs an suv!

caption: dumb forklift driver shouldaput it further ahead

caption: look ma, I can finally spin my tires!

caption: mexicans getting supplies to build a house

caption: Isn't that too much car for your load to carry?

caption: Kopfschmerzen?

caption: Ew! Go do that in a bedroom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

caption: my other car is a pick-up

caption: North Dakota

caption: what a ritard

caption: Look mom no brain!!!



this picture shows a some stif on top of a car

LOOK MA, NO HANDS!!!!!!!!!!!

hmmm?? i think I stole more than I can carry

Shop till you drop.

awww man, the spare tire is in the trunk??

Hope them are not Firestones?

man that velcro works.

I thought robbing a train would be easier

And now for Plan "B"

go on ole, load the resthe can handle it

$20.00 for delivery?  I'll do it myself!

$20.00 for delivery, I'll do it myself!


If I only had a brain

I always wanted a low rider!

LOW--RI--DER   Don't need no gas now

That is Why Real Men Drive Trucks!

This will help with traction on the ice

Ivan becomes the newest victim of "space junk"

I think I'll need to make a smaller ice house!

Geesh I thought my fishhouse would be lightweight?

Ma, We've finally got the materials for our new Ice Shack!

...and now to lower the front end.

Scott, what were you thinking?

Rock it, you have to rock it back and don't spin the wheels...



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