Caption the Picture!
caption: Awww Crap! caption: Weeew!!!! Let's take a bath!
caption: And you thought your job stunk! caption: jack pot...what do i win? caption: tapeworm caption: castrate caption: having a crappy day? caption: New Las Vegas nickle slots caption: caption: proving that hefty bags do live up to their name caption: told you not to eat anymore nuts caption: told you not to eat anymore nuts caption: tapeworm caption: caption: tape worm caption: caption: tape worm caption: tapeworm caption: caption: elephant with tape worms caption: elephant with tape worms caption: tape worm caption: caption: Hazing At Virgina Tech, Fall 2003 caption: Elephant Nads Must Be Carefully Protected Against
Frigid Northern Climate caption: Bag-and-Stick Method of controlling unruly pet caption: Veterinarian Collecting Stool Sample caption: elephant life caption: elephant life caption: Trick or Treat smell my Cheeks Give me
something warm to eat caption: oh my god what a tasty treat from the anus of a large
elephant, now i would like to make sweet love to it through its bumb caption: Heftie its a glad bag! caption: wierd caption: tape worm caption: tapeworm caption: POOP!!! caption: tape worm caption: UMM..... Did I see some fall out ??? caption: Tape Wprms hurt US! caption: tapeworm caption: ok i can see the head! oh no wait...... r elephants
brown? caption: caption: Not Gonna Get SIC-blaaaa! caption: COME ON , I SAW YOU EAT MY QUARTER caption: caption: What am I doing? caption: tape worm caption: What do you mean comunity service???!!!??? caption: tape worm trick or treat This bag ain't going to hold it. No, really, I'll catch it. WHEW! SOMETHING DIED IN THERE Keep it clean- this is a family website! Last time I sign up for free admission to the zoo! The brochure didn't say anything about this! come on wally, I know it's in there what a fart:-) what a pervert Come on you can fill the bag oo shiat I guess you had Mexican last night, huh big fella? tape worm Smeone's always left holding the " Bag" we're having some fun now!!! Must be a union job! #2 of the "World's Most Dangerous Jobs" and you thought your job sucked! quit complainging about YOUR job! A little to the left... I'VE TOLD YOU ONCE ALREADY, YOU DID'NT HAVE YOUR WATCH ON !. Which one is Dumbo?!?! Oh Fart, Poop, Turd New Fear Factor Task. All right now, you pump the tail and I'll catch what comes
out. I think I need a bigger bag "Plop, plop, fizz ,fizz, oh what a relief it is!" The task is the same until you are in the lead The new way of luring out tape worms. Why must women want to castrate everything Remember the city ordinance Hefty Hefty Hefty Keep it clean - this is a family website!!!!!!!!!!!
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