Caption the Picture!
caption: Honey, I'm home. caption: Honey, I'm home. caption: Honey, I'm home. caption: i hate being a teenagers mother caption: i hate being a teenagers mother caption: i hate being a teenager mother caption: honey, help your mother, on the boat now. caption: honey, help your mother on the boat now. caption: I saved my water bottle! caption: The captain said to park next to the boat, doh! caption: I'm an excellent driver, really! caption: And still dry! caption: Test caption: The obvious reason why houseboats dont have garages! caption: AZZ caption: i HAVE NEVER LEARND MY LEFT FROM MY RIFHT, I WILL
NOW......PRACTICE, PRACTICE caption: Man, I suck! caption: You told me to park as close to our boat as possible! caption: Honey? Where did Ted Kennedy park our car? caption: thought you said go for a dunk, not can you open the
trunk! caption: I lost my rope...OK caption: Honey, the parking lot was full! caption: Is this close enough hun? caption: Another blonde mishap! Go figure! caption: Can I show you the latest thing since the house boat? caption: Can I show you the latest thing since the house boat? caption: All I wanted to do is fill my water bottle! caption: Watch This Space caption: Next time dear, use the gang plank...OK? caption: wow caption: The best parking job by a women driver. caption: Could hardly wait to start fishing caption: Damned valet parking, anyhow! caption: tell me again, which pedal is the brake! caption: Can you check my oil please? caption: house bosts dont have a garage caption: Hey! You scratched my bumper! caption: Is this the ferry to Vancouver? caption: Foreign cars are so cheap, we make docks out of them! caption: What drive through?
North Dakota Fishing Report Archive