Fishing reports for Devil's Lake Fishing
charlie fosdick
12:43:47 PM
how is the perch fishing now? how much ice is there?
North Dakota
06:41:58 AM
Fished DL Sunday and Monday. Fished mainly the west side of the lake for pike and walleye. I persoanlly got skunked both days. My two fishing partners picked up a total of 4 walleyes, all males. It was really cold and the ice was really good, espically on the main lake. We drove everywhere. I did notice a difference in the ice quality and thickness from the main lake and mauvis coulee. The Coulee ice seemed soft and not near as thick.
Wausau, Wisconsin
01:03:58 PM
Just got back from DL Sunday. Came back with about 200 perch and 20 walleyes for 5 guys. We stayed for 4 days and the weather was real bad sometimes with sustained winds of 35 to 40 mph. Fished on Totten Point and the timber on the south side of the main bay. Did fairly well there. Ice is stil 25 to 30 inches in most places. The pressure ridges we found to be a real pain because they make for longer drives to your fising spots. If your going out yet ice should still be good for a week or two if it stays cold. The hot baits were Haleys, moonrockers, buckshot rattle spoons and spikes and minnows worked equally well.
03:03:40 PM
i am from wisconsin but i usually drive over to devils lake. i went there in february and got blew off the lake and only took home two perch and three northerns. i am thinking of going back so it would be great to know if it is worth my time or not. perch? walleyes? northerns? and how much ice thanks
grand forks
12:04:37 PM
the ice is still a good 18-22 inches thick but u still need to becareful around the pressure ridges and bridges and stuff. drove on the lake last weekend.