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name: Brad Durick
city: Grand Forks
Date: 12/14/2002
Time: 11:45:33 PM
Does anyone know what the ice conditions on devils and area lakes is like with the recent warm weather?
Name: morgan tannay
City: Grand forks
Date: Friday December 13, 2002
Time: 06:47:19 PM
the other day i got a alagter gar i thouth they did not have any.welli have work.
name: DEWY
city: MINOT
Date: Friday December 13, 2002
Time: 04:32:25 PM
name: jared
city: fargo
lake_river: comment
Date: 12/13/2002
Time: 02:51:13 PM
How come no one is reporting anything lately? Is it because of the warm weather?? How's the ice doing in the southeastern part of the state??
name: sully
city: moorhead
: fishtrap66@hotmail.com
Lake: Pipestem Reservoir
Date: Thursday December 12, 2002
Time: 11:58:57 PM
how is the ice up there me and my dad might go up there this weekand and we are wandering how thick the ice is after the warm wheather and where they are biting
name: ice canuck
city: winnipeg
Area: Canada
Date: Wednesday December 11, 2002
Time: 05:07:29 PM
How has the bite been on the red since freeze up. Wwe are planning to take the kids out for a few days of fishing. Was out in the brandon area fishing for trout and had great time, looking for same time on the red. Any places that are hot right now??
name: Jared
city: Fargo
: jaredschillinger@hotmail.com
lake_river: Buffalo Lake-Sgt. County
Date: 12/11/2002
Time: 02:44:19 PM
Hey, I was just wondering how this warm weather is affecting the ice in the southeast part of the state??? Will it still be fishable on Sat. & SUn., or not??? ANy info will be greatly appreciated..Thanks
name: ricks.
city: grand forks
Date: Tuesday December 10, 2002
Time: 09:50:33 PM
is the ice thick enough for vehicles, and is anyone catching some good perch?
name: Richard
city: Lawton
Date: Tuesday December 10, 2002
Time: 02:53:39 PM
If anyone is still waiting on getting their FL-18 updated, make sure you send it in yourself. I bought mine at Scheels and talked to a manager there who said they are sending in a lot for customers and it's taking anywhere from 2-4 weeks or MORE to get them back, but he suggested sending it in myself. I sent it in the Friday of Thanksgiving week and had it back already the following Thursday and was able to use it last weekend - so they're pretty quick about it (which was what I was most concerned with). And, it is fixed now.
name: Richard
city: Lawton
lake_river: Whitman Dam
Date: 12/10/2002
Time: 02:49:08 PM
Anybody got a report for Whitman or Matejcek?
name: Richard
city: Lawton
Date: 12/10/2002
Time: 02:43:54 PM
Fished Budweiser Bay Saturday morning and couldn't find anything to mark on the Vexilar. Noone else was out there. There's a substantial pressure ridge following the towers so I was limited in how far out I could go.
Tried Haybale and could mark fish right on the bottom, but they wouldn't bite - talked to a few others and they didn't have much either.
Caught 5 decent walleyes on Black Tiger in 18' of water using a chartreuse glow casting-style forage minnow (spoon with a trebble hook on the bottom, not the jig-style)
Went back to Black Tiger Sunday and caught one nice walleye, then went out to 20' of water and marked some perch again holding close to the bottom but couldn't get them to bite - had a few pike come through.
Ice was about 6" on Budweiser, 6-8" on Haybale, and 4-8" on Black Tiger, there's some poor ice on the point off of the East Bay bait shop that's all broken up.
name: Snowman
city: West Fargo
lake_river: comment
Date: 12/10/2002
Time: 10:13:36 AM
In regards to Key Lake, I highly doubt there is anything there. A group of us tried it last year and though we tried all over, we never marked a fish or had a bite. We accessed it through the gate off of the road in the Northeast corner. The landowner came out to see how we did and was a very pleasant guy. He said that some of his neighbors had caught fish out of it (Northerns). When we were there we saw a bit of activity (old holes) but nothing that looked like it had been used for any length of time (no blood, scales or dead minnows). If there are any in there, I'm guessing the numbers are sparse.
name: just like to hunt
city: pierre
Date: Tuesday December 10, 2002
Time: 12:31:50 AM
I would just like to respond to all the negativity towards non resident hunters. I now live in SD and am one who grew up in ND. I have never chased down a deer in a pickup, never shot anything out of season, never shot more than my limit, never trespassed on anybody's land, and all in all, always try to do the right thing.
The people that are ruining the hunting for the people that live in the "big" towns are the local boys who upset more landowners than anything. If I am going to drive 300 miles to hunt with friends and family the last thing I want to worry about is looking over my shoulder and making sure one of these greedy landowners is looking at me. Yes I said it - THE LANDOWNERS ARE GETTING GREEDY AND WILL CONTINUE. I come from a small farm, so I feel I can vent a little.
name: outdrznd
city: Horace
lake_river: comment
Date: 12/09/2002
Time: 09:40:09 PM
Allen, I did Terry Steinwand, Chief of the Fisheries Division with NDGF, this particular concern. I am awaiting his reply. It may be that the G&F has an access agreement with the landowner for a specific "lake entry" point. Thanks again..... outdrznd@aol.com
name: Allen
city: G-Forks
lake_river: comment
Date: 12/09/2002
Time: 05:17:40 PM
You're welcome OutdrzND. Just remember that this can be a very contentious issue even between the landowners and the state and I would still check with NDGF on this particular body of water. Just because "Allen from GF" says this is the general way the law gets interpreted won't mean much if the landowner calls the sheriff and he comes up with a different interpretation. It's kind of like the "you can go unarmed onto posted lands to retrieve fallen game" rule. You may not get busted for a hunting/fishing violation, but there are trespass issues that may still apply.
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