Current North Dakota Fishing Reports
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The Archive of Fishing Reports
Name: Allen
City: Grand Forks
Date: Thursday February 27, 2003
Time: 10:41:25 AM
Guns, Marty is right. I personally think the bill will pass, but won't become law until at least this fall. Marty is also right in that if you moved to Grand Forks to attend school, another option for getting the resident rate on licenses is called the residency waiver (my guess is this is what most students are doing now and is the root of past rumors of students getting resident priveliges). On that, you essentially state that you WILL be living in ND for the required amount of time in the coming year. Of course, once you sign that you are technically a non-resident to Mn because you can't have it both ways.
Oh yeah, let me apologize for the NDGF if they were rude to you. Normally, I get nothing but the most courteous people in the world when I talk to them. She must have been having a bad hair day.
Name: Marty
City: Grand Forks
Date: Thursday February 27, 2003
Time: 09:47:27 AM
The legislature isn't over with and all of the bill have to pass both the House of Representatives and the Senate. Crossover was just last week which is the deadline for all of the bills that were passed to be moved over and debated in the other side.
If a bill passes both the House and the Senate, and it doesn't get vetoed it does not go in effect immediately. If passed, it would take effect on July 1. So as of now there is no way for a nonresident student to purchase a resident license. Who knows what may happen though, you might be able to on July 1 if the legislation passes.
If it doesn't pass, why don't you just change your residence to that of a North Dakotan? This way you are assured resident status on hunting priviliges and the tuition at college should be cheaper once you establish residency.
name: Dennis Flom
city: Harwood
Area: Fargo
: icatchbigcats@aol.com
Date: Wednesday February 26, 2003
Time: 11:13:19 PM
Thanks for all the info Ed, or is that "Backwater Idiot". Heck, I never refer to you that way and still you never give me anything. Ha Ha Ha
Kent H. I think you should up that goal a little bit, you will be suprised how fast that comes. 1000 lbs is not all that much when you are fishing the Red. Brad D., myself and one other fisherman managed that in just 10 hours of fishing up in Lockport late last summer. I think 1000 lbs a week would be a fair goal for this area.
Hope all the you catfishermen are wintering well. Spring is on the way!
Name: Guns
City: EGF
: gundy_20@hotmail.com
Date: Wednesday February 26, 2003
Time: 07:31:38 PM
Allen, You mentioned something about SB2322, did it pass? I called the ND Game and Fish and they told me that there is no way that a nonresident full-time student can get resident prices. Actually the lady I talked to was kind of rude when I asked and didnt bother to look at anything for me. I am also looking at school trying to get into the MSEP but nobody seems to know anything about it. If you have any further info. let me know it would be greatly appreciated Thanks, Guns
Date: Tuesday February 25, 2003
Time: 03:17:15 PM
Jack rabbit is good to eat! The backstrap of a jack is a great piece of meat, similar to venison. I take the backstrap and cut it in cubes, roll it in flour mix and fry like chicken--fried steak. There are lots of recipes for rabbit stew, etc. but cutting it in pieces, rolling in flour mixture and frying in grease is as good as any method...Hope this helps! Don't leave the 'bits for the scavengers!
name: Ed "Backwater Eddy"
city: Fargo/Horace
Area: Fargo
: backwtr1@msn.com
Date: Tuesday February 25, 2003
Time: 08:36:11 AM
The Spring Conservation Season begins on March 1st.
You need to fallow the spring conservation regulations that apply to the Red River and it’s associated tributaries as agreed upon by ND & MN.
[b] NOTE - MN have slightly differing regulations, be sure to read and understand both first.[/b]
[b]The Spring Conservation Season begins on March 1 and runs through the first Saturday in May.[/b]
[b]Limits on walleye or combination of or are 2 under 18" and the OPTION to keep 1 over 28".[/b]
So 3 is the potential daily limit. But if you decide not to keep a one over 28", you [b]CAN NOT[/b] keep an additional fish less than 18" to compensate.
Catch all you want, just keep 2 eaters (under 18"). [b]I NEVER keep the fish over 28"![/b] We treat walleye over 28” as an ethical mandatory release, although legally you may keep one over 28” for the wall.
Northern Pike is 3 a day, 6 in possession. [b]No pike to exceed 27", larger then that they all go back.[/b]
Catfish is continuous and does not close. Daily limits are the same as always for the Red River system. [b]Five a day with only 1 to be in excess of 24"[/b].
[b]ND & MN do differ as to what constitutes a tributary and also how far you may enter into tributaries. So make sure to note the differences. MN watches this closely.[/b]
Resident license fee- $10 Husband and wife fee- $14 Resident over 65 fee- $03
Resident disabled fee- $03 (Available at the ND office of the G&F only in Bismarck ND.)
ND Non resident licensee fee's;
Nonresident single fee- $25 Nonresident Husband & wife fee- $35 Nonresident 3 day fee $10 Nonresident 7 day fee $15
See full details at the links below.
Ed "Backwater Eddy" Carlson
Name: Jeff
City: Cottage Grove, Mn.
Date: Monday February 24, 2003
Time: 11:13:36 PM
Minnesota is a sportsmans paradise. Superior and Chippewa national forests offer the best ruffed grouse hunting in North America. Public land whitetail hunting is excellent and I have taken serveral large bucks from our northern forests. Canada goose hunting is also excellent and I enjoy my time afield and the birds I bag. Minnesota is a top destination for musky hunters and walleye fishing in the many lakes and rivers is very good. Minnesota dosn't offer the kind of duck hunting it once did but an occasional limit is still possible. I don't believe I'll ever hunt or fish in North Dakota as I'm to busy taking advantage of what Minnesota has to offer. If any of you N.D. sportsmen or women would like to give Minnesota a try you can buy your big or small game license right over the counter when you arrive.
Name: outdrznd
City: SE North Dakota
Date: Monday February 24, 2003
Time: 11:08:47 PM
I am curious to know what "rabbit" is best to eat. I have shot many "Jack-rabbits" this winter but was talking to others who asked if I have ever eaten rabbit.( I have not)They say it tastes a lot like chicken. If anyone knows about preparing "rabbit", please let me know which type of rabbit(jack or cottontail) and how to prepare it.
name: Wayne Liska
city: Grants Pass
: barbara@liska-auctioneers.com
Date: 02/23/2003
Time: 04:47:26 PM
devils lake current fishing report
name: Wayne Liska
city: Grants Pass
: barbara@liska-auctioneers.com
Date: 02/23/2003
Time: 04:47:25 PM
devils lake current fishing report
Name: shawn
City: boise/idaho
: sharriman@rmci.net
Date: Sunday February 23, 2003
Time: 03:23:03 PM
Hey I live in Idaho and am looking for hunting partners. I have great places in Idaho and hunt alaska, africa. I love big game and goose hunting.
name: joe kromschroeder
city: inver grove hts
Date: 02/23/2003
Time: 12:43:41 PM
how are perch bitting
name: Jumbo
city: Grand Forks, ND
Date: Sunday February 23, 2003
Time: 04:43:32 AM
Thank You Gail...Have a Point???
city: MOHALL
: gmb1@srt.com
Date: Saturday February 22, 2003
Time: 06:47:34 PM
I like fishing very well
name: Buck
city: Jamestown
: buckman19@hotmail.com
Lake: Pipestem Reservoir
Date: Saturday February 22, 2003
Time: 12:13:29 PM
Been having good luck out at pipestem with crappies. Havent done a thing for weeks. They seem to turn on at 6:00 pm and a stop about 8. enough time to put 20 or 25 in the bucket though..
name: Buck
city: Jamestown
: buckman19@hotmail.com
Lake: Spiritwood Lake
Date: Saturday February 22, 2003
Time: 12:13:15 PM
Been having good luck out at pipestem with crappies. Havent done a thing for weeks. They seem to turn on at 6:00 pm and a stop about 8. enough time to put 20 or 25 in the bucket though..
name: Backwater Eddy
city: Fargo
Area: Wahpeton
: backwtr1@msn.com
Date: Friday February 21, 2003
Time: 09:39:49 AM
Kids..Ya know..ya got to love-um Eh!
You may get a hoot & a smile out of this?
I gave a presentation last night in Wahpeton ND to the Red River Sportsman's Club, a kids ice fishing clinic. I would like to thank them for asking me to participate too, great club, nice group of kids too.
Anywho...At the end of the evening I did a pop quiz kinda deal.
Asking questions about what I had talked about, then gave out a lure or something cool like Millennium Lures, Bass Candy soft baits, Pradco products, Bombers, Rebels, cool stuff like that from my grab bag of fishing goodies.
I had asked about 20-30 questions, then I was starting to run out of good questions.
So I asked, "Ah....What is my nick name?"
I had introduced myself as Ed "Backwater Eddy" Carlson at the beginning of the evening. So lets see if anyone way paying attention Eh?
One young man, oh..about 7 or 8 years old, jumped up, waving his hand like crazy. He was jumping up and down, just having a cow, certain he had it pegged.
Ok....Ah.....you, what's my nick name?
He said "I know...It's..."Backwater Idiot".
I said, "Well...Ah...OK, That's close enough for me"
I gave him his lure..the crowd went crazy laughing.
Kids..Ya know..ya got to love-um Eh!
Ed "Backwater Eddy" Carlson..><,sUMo,>
(FBO Field Staff)
name: sully
city: moorhead
: fishtrap66@hotmail.com
Lake: Pipestem Reservoir
Date: Thursday February 20, 2003
Time: 10:57:08 PM
How has the fishing been latly ive heard its been good.
name: alstef
city: minot
Date: Thursday February 20, 2003
Time: 02:09:54 AM
Went fishing on darling two times all day and early evening without a bite. was using waxies on the poles and minnows with the tip ups. Was off of landing 3.
name: DumbHick
city: G.F.
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 02/19/2003
Time: 07:02:53 PM
Allen, On the East side there is a sign that says no motorized watercraft. I'm sure some were vandalized but why would they put that sign up unless they allowed access on that side? If anyone knows who to contact it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the northern info!
I've heard someone also stole a house off the pond and a friend is questioning someone aboout it. I'll keep my ears open. I'm sure its the same people.
The tourney on golden costs $20-$25 for 2 holes and $5 for each additional hole if I remember right. The grand prize I think is an Ice House. Its to benefit the Mayville football team. I just got a tip that if you head straight out from the store and to the south a little ways in the middle theres a 16-18 ft hole with some bigger fish hangin out. I don't know if its true but its worth a shot. I fished the first turney and did very well on gold Genzworms tipped with 2 Waxies. If you don't catch more than 50 little perch your chances will be slim to win. If you catch a couple lb walleye or huge perch your chances are good because the people won on 75+ 7-9 in. perch. Good luck.
name: Kent Hollands
city: Grand Forks, ND
Area: Comment
Date: Wednesday February 19, 2003
Time: 05:12:29 PM
OK, I'm getting excited about getting on the river again. This warm spell has me thinking about getting out on the river again. I going to set a personal goal this summer of boating 1000lbs of catfish, and release each and everyone.
name: Perchjerker
city: forks
: j_jasmer@hotmail.com
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 02/18/2003
Time: 05:45:39 PM
I was wondering if anyone out there could help with an incident that occured in the last few weeks. someone broke in to my shack on the diversion and did a number on my door. i see that they also broke into the grey shack also. its to bad all they could find is a broken lantern in there. i suspect it was done at night sometime but if anyone has heard anything i think we could help each other out. i ask for anyone fishin out there to just keep there ears open, it would be much appreciated. thanx alot and keep the lines tight!
Name: bill
City: gilbert mn
: mrmn@hotmail.com
Date: Tuesday February 18, 2003
Time: 01:18:48 PM
5 guys from n.e. mn looking for pheasant, duck hunting. will swap nice hunting shack accomidations to hunt your land or what ever. we are 10 miles from lake vermilion, also 8 miles north of virginia mn. there is bear, deer, ruff grouse, and fishing. we are just a couple of good ol' boys in our late 40's. we are not rich and thats why we are dumping south dakota. give me a e-mail mrmn30@hotmail.com thanks.
name: Reid Garrison
city: Oaks
: rgarrison@valspar.com
Date: Tuesday February 18, 2003
Time: 09:53:40 AM
I just bought a farnstead in Oaks, could anyone tell me about the James river for fishing, depth, and are there any good lakes near by? Thank you
name: Cory
city: Fargo
Date: 02/17/2003
Time: 06:03:56 PM
Never fished DL before where is a good place to start for walleye and perch.
name: Allen
city: Grand Forks
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 02/17/2003
Time: 12:54:09 PM
DumbHick, My vote would be to try something large like a smelt on a tipup for the northerns. Anything smaller than that and you will have trouble keeping the perch off. Also, another hint is that if you are perch fishing and they stop for more than 30 seconds, you can be reasonably certain a pike is swimming by. So hurry and drop something down that he might be interested in like a large minnow.
My comment on the Sheriff? Well, he may be a nice fellow and all, but the last time I came in from the east (two summers ago) there were signs that clearly stated no driving on the dike and the fine is $10,000 (actually, there were also signs at the gate that stated "no vehicles beyond this point"). My guess is that the Sheriff is reluctant to write the ticket for such a steep fine and to me that makes lack of enforcement part of the problem for I have seen a county officer talk to people with their vehicles on top of the dike, but given they parted ways shortly thereafter I assume no ticket was issued. If the signs have been vandalized or stolen, they should be replaced with more durable markers. I believe when I came in from the west during December there was still a sign there designating the "only" legal place to drive over the dike. Maybe i should drive in from the east sometime this week to see if these signs no longer exist.
name: TIPUP
city: Grand Forks
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 02/17/2003
Time: 12:16:21 PM
So what is it then when coming to nice spot to fish? I have always driven over the dike, never actually driven on it to get to a spot. I thought it was OK to come in from the east (by the sheriffs place) and then take the approach that leads up and over the dike, then turn left or right to your pond of choice.
Scott - got any info on this?
name: Big D
city: Grand Forks
lake_river: South golden Lake
Date: 02/16/2003
Time: 11:50:46 PM
Does anyone have any information on the Contest that is to be held on Golden this next sunday?
name: Jesse C
city: Grand Forks
Area: Grand Forks
Date: Sunday February 16, 2003
Time: 10:41:16 PM
Just wondering if anyone could tell me any good shore fishing areas on the Red River within 20 miles of grand forks. I'm really interested in hooking into some cats. Any info on locations would be great. I've recently moved into the area, and have heard that the catfish are especially large. Wondering if anyone could give me an idea of what typeof equipment I'll need. (line #, hook size, bait, etc.)
name: Max
city: Delafield, Wi
: Fan835@aol.com
Date: Sunday February 16, 2003
Time: 05:20:48 PM
Interested in a mid May trip for shallow water walleyes on Devil's Lake. Fished it a few times through the ice but never on the water. Any help or suggestions appreciated. Saw Tony Dean's show where he fished the west end, mostly with crank baits. Is this the best place to start? Are there resorts in that area? Thanks Max
name: Scoot
city: Fargo
Area: Fargo
: scott.engel@ndsu.nodak.edu
Date: Sunday February 16, 2003
Time: 02:30:10 PM
Ol' Whiskers,
Shoot me an e-mail (scott.engel@ndsu.nodak.edu)- I'll get you some good info. Scoot
name: Mary Pat Bibel
city: Grand Forks
: mpholler@gra.midco.net
Date: Sunday February 16, 2003
Time: 11:41:32 AM
A group committed to getting a nonresidential boat ramp funded and built ASAP in Grand Forks is being formed. Those interested in this cause please for information at mpholler@gra.midco.net.
Brad Dokken of the GF Herald had a very nice column this Sunday on boating access in Grand Forks.
Some excerpts:
"In Grand Forks, city leaders let an opportunity slip through their hands last month, when a safety committee tabled plans to construct a new south-end boat ramp. The North Dakota Game and Fish Department would have funded up to three-fourths of the project's estimated $85,000 to $95,000 cost, but Lincoln Drive-area residents ganged up on the proposal, driving city leaders to further study boat ramp options."
"City officials don't share all the blame. Considering the popularity of events such as Cats Incredible and the Wednesday night catfish league, anglers should be waving the boating access banner, as well.
"If fishermen are concerned, we need to start squeaking," Stennes said. "We need something out there."
Stennes is right. Call your council member, call city officials, talk to fellow anglers, something. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, it's time to get serious about better boating access. Only then will the greenway picture be complete."
Guys, I was at that meeting.
Unless WE, as anglers, step up the pressure on this city council, we will NEVER have boating access.
As many of you know, I ran for city council last year. I made fishing on the Red River as much of an issue as I could....
As Brad pointed out in his column, a group of residents from the Lincoln Drive area squashed it. That small group put an end to the idea of a boat ramp.
We need to get together. All of us. We need to become one voice. We need to put our own political pressure on this council.
If any of you would like to join us in putting the pressure on this council, let me know.
me here:
Let's make this happen!
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