Current North Dakota Fishing Reports
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name: Jeff
city: East Grand Forks
Area: Comment
Date: Monday April 14, 2003
Time: 09:53:39 AM
The North(GF)ramp looked worse+my 2 WD pickup ALWAYS has problems there;so we went South(EGF)again.The river went down more.I have a old 18ft.Lund alum.,bunker trailer.Tilting the trailer is a must(+motor!).Watch the transducers.We still had to PUSH out,but only 1/2 the distance.In a week or more the water in the ramp will be at the river.Then trailers will drop off the cement!I sure miss FLOATING the boat off the trailer. It would be a good time to build all those(EGF)boat ramps(hint hint)-before all the tournaments start. Fished from 10am-6:15pm using sm(3")suckers+ a scp of fatheads.We got a stonecat,3-goldeye,16 1/2"Walleye,1-2-3+4lb Cats and 1/2 a sunburn!Got to see two does swimming across the river real close behind the boat.We just needed more water,more fish,less wind.But we'll probably go south again next weekend.Good Luck.
name: Kent Hollands
city: Grand Forks
Area: Comment
Date: Monday April 14, 2003
Time: 09:33:53 AM
Chad, Your BUSTED I can't beleive you got caught LOL. Sorry about your ice fishing stuff. Better luck next time. I was at the north damn Sat. afternoon for about two hours. Fished from shore with three goldeyes and one carp about 12 pounds being caught. Guessing the water needs to warm up a bite before the cats really start to turn on.
name: Stact
city: grand forks
Area: Grand Forks
Date: Monday April 14, 2003
Time: 01:41:31 AM
This is Chads wife and he dont know that i read what he wrote yet till tomorrow. But I thank you for saving some money on the gages but as i recalled you spent $70 on you ice fishing house so I think we are even.. LOL Have a good year at fishing.....
name: Chad
city: Grand Forks
Area: Grand Forks
Date: Sunday April 13, 2003
Time: 11:49:21 PM
Big problem. We run a 1987 Bayliner for a boat. It is 17ft long and on an average needs 3.5 to 4.5 feet of water to launch. We backed in ready to launch at LaFave park only to find that the launch was built wrong. As we decented into the water the launch leveled out. It became apparent that we were not going to be able to launch. We needed atleast 2 more feet of water to safely launch....Interesting, thoughts?
Name: jim
City: Allendale
: kaiser5@altelco.net
Date: Sunday April 13, 2003
Time: 05:46:11 PM
name: Chad
city: Grand Forks
Area: Comment
: chad@catfishworld.com
Date: Sunday April 13, 2003
Time: 12:28:25 AM
Fished off shore late tonight. Started at about 8:15ish and stayed till 10:15. Had a couple tugs but no takers. Spent the majority of the day getting the boat ready, cleaning it, fixing the little things that acquire throughout the year. One of the repairs was an electrical problem. Last year we were flying down the Red, and all my gauges lights got real bright, then poof, no gauges at all. Noticed smoke behind the lense of the fuel gauge. We took the gauge out today, removed the bulb, which was bad. Then i noticed there was more burnt stuff within the gauge itself. We said what the heck, gonna throw it away anyway, and tore the gauge apart. We found a resistor that had exploded. After some thought we went to radio shack bought a new resistor for 1.19. Soldered it in and wahla repair complete. New gauge was in the 70.00 area so we saved a few buks. Now i just have to figure out a way to tell the lady of the house that we saved this money and im going to use it on other fishing toys... Hard to sell im afraid :) Good luck to you all!, We will be launching from the South tomorrow, making sure the boat is water ready and fit in a couple hours of cattin.
name: jonny
city: stp
Date: 04/12/2003
Time: 11:34:23 PM
how is the fishing in dl during may?
name: Allen
city: Grand Forks
Date: 04/12/2003
Time: 11:15:32 AM
July is good fishing (June is generally the best though) and as you get towards the end of July and into August, the fishing slows a bit. Typical days on DL may include waves from 18-30" from as little as 15-20 mph winds in the more open areas. I use a 16 ft Smokercraft with a 70 horse motor and can generally fish in comfort on all but the 30+ mph days. Even then you can find sheltered areas to fish if you like. Shore fishing is done mainly from along the roads, traffic can make this awfully dusty though and I recommend a boat for mobility.
name: Travis
city: Shell Lake, WI
: --
Date: 04/11/2003
Time: 11:29:08 PM
Thinking about coming over this summer, July or August. Good fishing then? Do we need a BIG boat? Fish from shore as well? Lots of questions...
name: Rick Finnestad
city: Fairmont, Mn
: nbifinny
Date: 04/10/2003
Time: 01:23:44 PM
Please sent walleye and perch fishing
name: Jim Pinkerman
city: Fargo
Area: Fargo
Date: Wednesday April 09, 2003
Time: 10:10:01 AM
Thanks for the tips. I am heading out now and will report in when I return. Hopefully I won't lose too many baits. The water is so low I just am not sure how good it will be. What other areas do you know that are south of town? Thanks again.
name: Jeff (Fudjo) Rusling
city: East Grand Forks,Mn.
Area: Comment
Date: Tuesday April 08, 2003
Time: 10:46:33 PM
EGF ramp is muddy and only 12" of water.Had to jump up&down to PUSH out. Always fun the first time out tho!Fished from 6-7:30pm-using 4" suckers-got a 12"burbot and a fast 10ft run as we were about to leave.Guess I'll try the North ramp next weekend,when I have more time.Good Luck!
name: Kent Hollands
city: Grand Forks
Area: Comment
Date: Tuesday April 08, 2003
Time: 02:06:43 PM
Scoot, I'm thinking about getting the boat out this weekend. Just have to find a place to keep it during the summer since Kas has a car now. If I don't I will be tryen the banks by the north damn and if I do get it out I'm going to be jigging the edges of current breaks. Good luck on the border water if your heading up again.
name: Scoot
city: Fargo
Area: Fargo
Date: Tuesday April 08, 2003
Time: 01:13:10 PM
I forgot to mention, if you really want to learn the ins and outs of running cranks or any other type of rigs on the Red, book a trip with Ed Carlson for a day or two. You'll learn more in one day than you'd figure out in a summer on your own. He'll take care of you for both walleyes or catfish. Money well spent. Scoot
name: Scoot
city: Fargo
Area: Fargo
Date: Tuesday April 08, 2003
Time: 12:28:37 PM
Cranks can be very effective on the Red for walleyes. I've found this out from Ed Carlson in the past couple of years. He put me onto them a couple of years back. I prefer wide-wobble stickbaits- Salmos, Reef Runners, etc. Slow retrieves are a must. Cast along shore, not out into the channel to save from snagging too often. I caught my biggest walleye to date last fall on a crank in the Red. Good luck.
Kent, When you getting the boat out and ready? It won't be too long now! Scoot
name: Jim Pinkerman
city: Fargo
Area: Fargo
: jpinkerman@ctusa.net
Date: Tuesday April 08, 2003
Time: 10:51:22 AM
I am very interested in fishing for walleye on the red using crankbaits. Does anyone have information/advice on this? I was up at North Dam yesterday and the water is very low. With the warming water coming on it seems like crankbaiting could be very fruitful. Also, could someone shed a light on the license and which side of the river I can fish on? I have a ND resident license and some places seem like they would be better to fish from the MN side. Thoughts? Thanks for any help. Tight lines!
name: perchjerker
city: forks
Date: 04/06/2003
Time: 10:11:05 PM
any hints on where to head out this weeknd? like to find the perch and some eyes. any help would be greatly appreciated, havn't fished dl yet this year beleive or not. hit LOW pretty hard this year and didn't have time. thanx and keep um tight!
Name: Donald Clemens
City: Deforest WI
: dcchevy@execpc.com
Date: Sunday April 06, 2003
Time: 08:00:47 PM
Two of us are looking for landowners to allow us to hunt prairie dogs. Would like to hunt around Mitchell but, other places may dobe fine too.
name: m s
city: xxxx
Date: Sunday April 06, 2003
Time: 01:47:21 PM
Just wondering how the ice condition is on Laretta? just waiting to get a boat out there!!!!
name: Brad Durick
city: Grand Forks
Date: 04/06/2003
Time: 12:06:34 AM
With this past weeks cold weather I decide to head back to Devils to chase the pike again. Boy was I in for a treat. 28 degrees, partly sunny, and not a lick of wind. We had the whole area to ourselves. Not another person for at least a half mile. Started catching pike before we even got all the holes drilled and the tipups in the water. Ended up catching around 15 very nice pike. Caught most fish in 5-6 feet of water. Ice conditions were pretty good for foot traffic.
Name: Spam Patrol
City: Spam City
: yourfriendlyspampatrol@spam.com
Date: Thursday April 03, 2003
Time: 10:28:11 PM
name: Scott McNamee
city: Grand Forks
Area: Comment
Date: Thursday April 03, 2003
Time: 09:17:29 PM
Close, Chad, but not quite:
It is my understanding that a fisherman (bearing only a Minnesota license), may fish any tributary (of the Red River) up to the first vehicular crossing in the State of North Dakota.
If you only hold a North Dakota fishing license, you CANNOT fish any Minnesota tributary. The line is 'shore to shore'. (An imaginary line) This line is from shore to shore on the tributary.
If this is confusing to anyone reading this, let me know and I'll put up a graphic to explain it....
name: chad
city: grand forks
Area: Fargo
Date: Thursday April 03, 2003
Time: 08:40:15 PM
Greg not sure on where to fish the fargo area since i fish here in Grand Forks all the time but concerning the legality of where you can fish is this. If your a license is MN you can fish either side of the Red River, but the Red River only. Any tribitaries that drain into the REd on the ND side are off limits unless you get a non resident license and thats the same for ND fishermen fishing on the MN side of the Red.
name: Greg
city: Fargo
Area: Fargo
Date: Thursday April 03, 2003
Time: 03:50:44 PM
I was wondering if anyone could help me with some questions i have about fishing on the red river in fargo.
First i am going to school here and i am from minnesota. Do i have to be on the MN side of the river to be legally fishing?
and second i was wondering if anyone could tell me if there are any good spots to go for walleyes and cats that are close to downtown fargo.
Thanks alot Greg
name: Backwater Guiding
city: Fargo/Horace
Area: Fargo
: backwtr1@msn.com
Date: Thursday April 03, 2003
Time: 01:23:37 AM
Red River Report Headwaters and Central Region (4-2-03)
The Headwaters region of the Red River and it's associated tributaries is largely ice free and warming. Water temps were in the upper 30's to mid 40's as of yesterday in the PM. Fishing has been fair to good but the cold snap has slowed the bite a bit in recent days. Jigs and minnows has been the best overall producer, followed by floating jigs on rigs.
Central Region of the Red River has residual ice pack on channels but rapidly clearing. Water temps are in the mid 30's from Brushville North to Fargo. Action will increase as the water temps warm. Residual ice flows would make boating in this region hazardous at best at this time. With some sun we should see a ice free channel in a week, God willing? Some action has been seen on dams, yet it is slow overall just yet. This will change quick once the sun pops out for a day or so. Then it will be peek spring walleye action on much of the Central Red River basin.
Overall flows are low for this time of year and without a substantial shot of rain likely to remain slow and low. This may impact movements of fish into tributaries and concentrate them more on the main Red throughout the spawning cycle, time will tell on that.
We are into spring, ever so grudgingly, but headed in the right direction. Better days and better bites are surely on the way. With the robins and Killdeers patrolling my yard I gain a wider smile by the day.
Slip on the mud boots and sneak out some early fishing action, coming SOON, to a river near you.
Ed "Backwater Eddy" Carlson Backwater Guiding
Name: Keith
City: MWKN
: 1stchoice@1stchoiceguides.com
Date: Wednesday April 02, 2003
Time: 07:42:47 PM
Hey guys, now is a good time to come snow goose hunting, lots of them around and the snow has stopped the migration. They are everywhere. You can go ice fishing and set up some decoys on the ice and get some shooting too.
For those of you that are interested in booking fall duck and goose hunts now is the time, it looks like it will be another great year, snow is filling up the potholes with water.
Many types of hunts to choose from.
name: Keith
city: MWKN
: 1stchoice@1stchoiceguides.com
Date: 04/02/2003
Time: 07:26:48 PM
hey guys now is the time to be here, fishing is really heating up. Look for the perch where the sand and gravel meet the weed beds. The walleye are feeding up for spawn and the pike are just plain hungry. Ice is still safe for walking and atv's. Some fishing from small boats in the open water at the bridges and culverts. And we have lots of snow geese here now too.
name: Phil Wiebe
city: Selkirk
Area: Canada
: http://www3.mb.sympatico.ca/~pgwiebe/webpage.html
Date: Wednesday April 02, 2003
Time: 02:17:53 PM
Well, its closure time, but the warm spring may mean an early breakup and the opportunity to hit some rare sping monster walleye on the Red River.
Name: J. R.
City: Black River Falls, WI
: pdw6mm@cuttingedge.net
Date: Sunday March 30, 2003
Time: 10:19:59 PM
My buddy & I are looking for places to hunt prairie dogs in ND. Either private or public land is just fine. Yes, we will bring some WI cheese. Thanks in advance. J. Rousey, Black River falls, WI
name: sully
city: moorhead
Area: Fargo
: fishtrap66@hotmail.com
Date: Saturday March 29, 2003
Time: 03:12:16 PM
anything going on at the north damn I was there last week and caught a northern but nothing else when i was there no one else caught a thing any info would be great!
name: Drew
city: Kingsley, IA
Area: Comment
Date: Saturday March 29, 2003
Time: 01:57:09 PM
Can anyone tell me if there are any resorts or cabins on or near the Red around the Grand Forks area? Thanks to anyone who can help.
name: Brad Durick
city: Grand forks
Area: Comment
: bdurick@yahoo.com
Date: Friday March 28, 2003
Time: 10:08:21 AM
Very well said Roger. Be sure to call you council members.
Also, I will be meeting with some council members and the ramp group in the next couple of weeks so if anyone would like send an to the above address and I will see that it gets to the right place.
name: Roger D.
city: Grand Forks
Area: Grand Forks
Date: Friday March 28, 2003
Time: 09:32:37 AM
The city of Grand Forks has been at an attempt to put in another boat access in the Greenway. The had found a very nice spot in the Lincoln Park area that had the right slope and bank stability. Some of the local homeowners in the area through up a stink, and the project was put on hold. Alternate area of Elks drive had the same thing happen. Now let us all remember that the Greenway is PUBLIC LAND and all the citizens have a voice on how it is used. It should not be left up to a handful of citizens who do not want to see any use of the area. If you are interested in having increased boat access in the Grand Forks area, call your councilman or the mayor. If the other side can do this so can we. If we can create a higher volumn of calls/letters/, they will have to consider our position. I would think there are way more people who would like another boat ramp in the area than not.
name: muskymike
city: shawano
Date: 03/27/2003
Time: 08:31:57 PM
ATTENTION to anyone who wants to be a great sportsman and a true fisherman. whats the ice like and where are the fishing biting. Where leaving the great county 0f shawano in about 20 hours. Thank you to anyone who helps us out. Doc special thanks to you. Bravosmoke get ready were rolling.
name: Brad Durick
city: Grand Forks
Area: Comment
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2003
Time: 04:43:43 PM
Spring must be here. i just went by the north landing to take a look and there was a boat launched.. WELCOME SPRING!!!
name: Ed Schmidt
city: Horicon
: ed.schmidt@charter.net
lake_river: Dry Lake
Date: 03/26/2003
Time: 10:05:09 AM
We fished dry lake the first day and a half, then went to miller lake on the 23rd and 24th of March, a good combination of perch, northern, and walleye on dry lake. Miller lake was good perch fishing, everyone pretty much had there limit in perch, had 24 northern, and a couple nice walleyes.
name: Kent Hollands
city: Grand Forks
Area: Comment
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2003
Time: 09:20:52 AM
Nope boat isn't ready yet. Haven't even thought about it yet this spring. If someone does get their boat into the river this weekend please watch for ice flows. They coould let go at any point and take your boat out and possibly you. So just be careful,
name: Scott McNamee
city: Grand Forks
Area: Grand Forks
Date: Tuesday March 25, 2003
Time: 08:58:19 PM
The Ice in Grand Forks has moved nearly 1/2 mile downstream from the dam. The water levels have started to recede.
A person could put a boat in right now, but certainly by this weekend.
Kent, is your boat ready?
Name: Jeff
City: Fargo
Date: Tuesday March 25, 2003
Time: 11:53:57 AM
Does any know if the Missouri is open South of Bismarck or what the ice conditions are or how soon it is expected to open? Thank you! Jeff
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