Current North Dakota Fishing Reports
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The Archive of Fishing Reports
name: Mushmouth
city: Rankin
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2003
Time: 03:27:33 PM
Bucktamer & Restless,
Have you guys really been catching fish on Laretta? I've been out there 3-4 times this year and haven't had any action. I've been looking for the areas that you speak of but can't seem to locate any of them. My grocery store doesn't sell the kind of shrimp that those pike prefer. The ice should be thick enough now that I don't need to belly-crawl out there....I ended up with raw skin all over my belly! I did see talk to one guy who has had good luck jigging pixie spoons near the stump lake inlet, I guess that's the best report that I can share.
Good Luck!
name: Bucktamer
city: Arvilla
Date: Monday December 01, 2003
Time: 02:03:20 PM
The ice is a big GO! Good to finally get out there again and hammer the pike. Did just that on Saturday with the largest being a 12lb. Shrimp were the ticket.
Go Fishing
name: Backwater Eddy
city: Horace
Area: Other area
: backwtr1@msn.com
Date: Sunday November 30, 2003
Time: 09:55:56 PM
The ice thickness reports from the Selkirk area range from 6-8". I spoke with guys that were out today.
name: wondering
city: winnipeg
Area: Comment
Date: Sunday November 30, 2003
Time: 04:18:47 PM
How thhick is the ice on the red by Selikirk?
name: Ed Carlson
city: Horace
Area: Other area
: backwtr1@msn.com
Date: Sunday November 30, 2003
Time: 01:37:23 PM
Reports are the ice is 6-10" with some spooky spots to watch out for.
Some nice greenbacks and sauger being caught the past week. Several masters, lots of eater sauger.
No rumors of problems with nets, not yet anyhow.
Area: Canada
Date: Saturday November 29, 2003
Time: 03:43:26 PM
Can anyone advise how thick the ice is on the Red north of Selkirk?
Area: Comment
Date: Saturday November 29, 2003
Time: 03:40:42 PM
Can anyone advise how thick the ice is on the Red, north of Selirk? Just wondering how much longer I have to wait to drive on it so I can get the ice shack set up. Any feed back would be great.
Tx W/S
name: Jason Rodriguez-Cruz
city: Rochester
: sky000507@hotmail.com
Date: Saturday November 29, 2003
Time: 11:38:13 AM
Me my dad and mom want to go to devils lake for some good old fishing. We can't seem to find a guid or a one in our price range. Can you help us find some guides it would really help us. Thank you, Jason Rodriguez-Cruz
name: Chris Weber
city: Lily, Wisconsin
: cdweber@hotmail.com
Date: Wednesday November 26, 2003
Time: 08:14:10 PM
A couple friends and I are planning a trip to Devils Lake ND, in the month of February. We will be in search for yellow perch and walleye. WE are looking for some cheap Lodging that is somewhat close to the lake . It would be much help to hear from some of you with as much info as possible . THANK YOU FELLOW FISHERMAN CHRIS WEBER JASON SCWARTZ ADAM KEPLIN
name: Phil Wiebe
city: Selkirk
Area: Canada
: www.bigwalleyes.com
Date: Wednesday November 26, 2003
Time: 12:28:11 PM
Ice fishing has begun in earnest with good numbers of trophy walleye taken in areas throughout the downriver section from Lockport.
name: ice man
city: grandforks
: fishing man.com
Date: Tuesday November 25, 2003
Time: 02:32:01 PM
Hey how thick was the ice on lake laretta.i hope it was at least 5 inches or more.I cant wait to get out on the ice but i am unsure if it is safe yet.I have all ready bought three new tip/ups and an underwater cameria.along with some new jigs.SO if you where hopeing someone else is foaming at the mouth for ice fishing RESTLESS IN REYNOLDS.THE ANSWER IS HECK YES.
name: ice man
city: grandforks
: fishing man.com
Date: Tuesday November 25, 2003
Time: 02:32:00 PM
Hey how thick was the ice on lake laretta.i hope it was at least 5 inches or more.I cant wait to get out on the ice but i am unsure if it is safe yet.I have all ready bought three new tip/ups and an underwater cameria.along with some new jigs.SO if you where hopeing someone else is foaming at the mouth for ice fishing RESTLESS IN REYNOLDS.THE ANSWER IS HECK YES.
name: ice man
city: grandforks
: fishing man.com
Date: Tuesday November 25, 2003
Time: 02:31:58 PM
Hey how thick was the ice on lake laretta.i hope it was at least 5 inches or more.I cant wait to get out on the ice but i am unsure if it is safe yet.I have all ready bought three new tip/ups and an underwater cameria.along with some new jigs.SO if you where hopeing someone else is foaming at the mouth for ice fishing RESTLESS IN REYNOLDS.THE ANSWER IS HECK YSS.
name: Brad
city: Grand Forks
Area: Comment
: bdurick@yahoo.com
Date: Tuesday November 25, 2003
Time: 11:18:03 AM
I'm trying to compile expenditures of people who fish the river. If you could just post some average numbers of what you have spent on trips in the past that would be great.
name: ...
city: ...
Remote Name:
Date: 11/24/2003
Time: 11:58:44 AM
name: Restless in Reynolds
city: Reynolds
Date: Sunday November 23, 2003
Time: 10:49:48 PM
I couldn't wait any longer either. Went out this morning and tried to get out there. Bucktamer, I saw where you went through and actually used that spot(it was a little less work for my hand auger) to fish! I thought these cold temps would build a little more ice for me. I felt kinda silly fishing from my stomach, but I wanted to disperse my weight as best as possible. I also had a wet suit on(just in case). Lost one at the hole, couldn't set the hook like I wanted too. I think I will be able to get my permanent out here next weekend, and then the real fun will begin!!
name: Bucktamer
city: Arvilla
Date: Thursday November 20, 2003
Time: 11:08:46 AM
Was out last weekend and fell through the ----ice. Just had to check things out; and it won't be long until we are hammering the pike again. Successful deer season around my woods this year. Tons of nice bucks seen. I like fishing for the pike on ultralights but will set up several tip-ups. Are there any tips on keeping the ciscos better. I have use stingers and the pike will just tear these apart. This year i'm guessing there will be alot of fish 10+.
Fishing soon.
name: Bucktamer
city: Arvilla
Date: Thursday November 20, 2003
Time: 11:08:41 AM
Was out last weekend and fell through the ----ice. Just had to check things out; and it won't be long until we are hammering the pike again. Successful deer season around my woods this year. Tons of nice bucks seen. I like fishing for the pike on ultralights but will set up several tip-ups. Are there any tips on keeping the ciscos better. I have use stingers and the pike will just tear these apart. This year i'm guessing there will be alot of fish 10+.
Fishing soon.
name: Backwater Eddy
city: Fargo
Area: Comment
: backwtr1@msn.com
Date: Thursday November 20, 2003
Time: 06:40:32 AM
Events worthy of note in the Fargo Moorhead area. Some very interesting events ahead folks. They should be informative and offer opportunities for learning historical information, current affairs, as well as hands on skills for the budding sportsman.
There is a new traveling photographic exhibit at Fargo City hall. Stop by and see it.
“Living with the River, 1870-1940.” It is divided into five sections.
a. The River as Transportation: fur trade, steamboats
b. Using the River for Business: breweries, etc, and water treatment plant
c. Enjoying the River: boating, swimming, skating, and hunting
d. Suffering from the River: floods
e. Controlling the River: dams, WPA
Upcoming meetings/classes/discussions that may be of interest:
Devils Lake Outlet Issues
Cost = *Free*
Concordia Science Center, Room 212
Thursday, November 20 at 6:30 p.m.
Sponsored by the FM Audubon Society
For more information, call Jim at 218-233-6111
Ice fishing classes for youth and adults. Sponsored by the Fargo Park District.
$35 for adults, youth 15 & under is $25
November 25, December 2, 9 & 16th from 7-9 p.m.
For more information call: 701-241-1353
Doug Leier ND Outreach Biologists program.
(Bob Backman of FM River Keepers will be the guest)
1460 Dickinson, 550 Bismarck, 1440 Grand Forks, 910 Minot and 790 KFGO
Saturday, November 29 at 11:30 a.m.
River Keepers
325 7th St S
Fargo, ND 58103
Fax 701.235.7394
Name: lee
City: fargo
Remote Name:
Date: Saturday November 15, 2003
Time: 12:05:12 AM
Hey Jeff, last year a bunch of pheasants were found in a dumpster next to a hotel out by Dickinson. These birds were not cleaned they were whole birds. This hotel was full of out of state hunters, this is a pretty good assumption these birds came from them. Three birds a day hardly seems worth comeing to our great state. All i am saying is if out of state hunters come here atleast they can do is respect the land and the laws. I lived in San Diego and you have to admit there are alot of insane wacked out people there.
Name: lee
City: fargo
Remote Name:
Date: Saturday November 15, 2003
Time: 12:03:34 AM
Hey Jeff, last year a bunch of pheasants were found in a dumpster next to a hotel out by Dickinson. These birds were not cleaned they were whole birds. This hotel was full of out of state hunters, this is a pretty good assumption these birds came from them. Three birds a day hardly seems worth comeing to our great state. All i am saying is if out of state hunters come here atleast they can do is respect the land and the laws. I lived in San Diego and you have to admit there are alot of insane wacked out people there.
Name: resident
City: god's country
Remote Name:
Date: Thursday November 13, 2003
Time: 08:26:44 PM
Residents pay state income tax, as well as sales tax all year long. The couple hundred dollars you bring doesn't even compare. You people come hunting to this great state of ours, then bitch. If you don't like the rules, stay home. I guess world class hunting isn't enough, still gotta complain about something.
Name: jeff
City: ventura, ca
Remote Name:
Date: Thursday November 13, 2003
Time: 05:55:56 PM
lee, besides the large sum of money we pay for licences and tags, there are the hotel rooms, the car rentals, the plane flights, the large parties to your local resturants, gas, etc. you multiply that times the amount of out of state hunters and that doesnt add uo to a large amount? california has a number of great colleges to help you with math. i was just giving you an out of state point of view. i do not advocate pay for hunt but with the law changes your state is forcing us to pay now that the public places are off limits to us for the begining of the season. i dont care about paying, all i am saying is dont forget what we bring to the local communities. some of you cant see past your hatred of californians to see whats in black and white.
name: Big Bucks
city: Fargo
Lake: Lake Ashtabula
Date: Wednesday November 12, 2003
Time: 09:56:29 PM
Mr. Anderson
Its a wee bit early for a fat kid like me, I need a few more inches before I roll out on a lake.
Call me
name: Brad Anderson
city: Valley City
Lake: Lake Ashtabula
Date: Wednesday November 12, 2003
Time: 02:37:46 PM
Anybody have any reports concerning ice conditions?? I know there was some ice on Sunday, but thinking the warm up may have put a damper on things. ANy info appreciated!!
name: Tightline
city: Northwood
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 11/10/2003
Time: 11:01:05 AM
I checked out the Coulee on Sat. and it was fenced off at the main entrance. There was as small walk through gate though. I imagine they fenced it off to keep people from driving on the dam. Good Luck
name: mike
city: devils lake nd
: magmike3000@hotmail.com
Remote Name:
Date: 11/09/2003
Time: 10:49:19 AM
We have had some damn cold weather here, Below zero one morning and 5 to 10 degrees each morn. there is reports of 7 inches of ice in small lakes like Pelican north of Minnewaukan. I will check it soon and post a report. Six Mile Bay at the bridge was still open and I see steam from the deep water areas so I assume open there too. Looking good for December 1st drive out.
Name: BigD
City: Grand Forks
Remote Name:
Date: Saturday November 08, 2003
Time: 11:57:44 PM
Just wanted to give a big "GOOD JOB" to the North Dakota Fish and Game. They appear to be doing a pretty good job in aggressively seeking out landowners for the PLOTS program. We went deer hunting today and went on only Plots and other public access land. In the first 15 minutes we had already bagged a nice buck and had seen about 15 deer within 200 yards. Earlier this year we had no problem in limiting out on ducks and geese, also on public access land near Devils lake. Again, thank you to all the landowners involved in Plots and also the North Dakota Fish and Game for an excellent hunting season.
name: Tightline
city: Northwood
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 11/07/2003
Time: 01:57:58 PM
Tom, I'll check it out probably tomorrow Sat. Nov. 8. I'll post my report here. I sure hope it is accessable. Good luck.
name: tom
city: Grand Forks
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 11/06/2003
Time: 04:44:42 PM
When youdo check it out, post your note here
Name: lee
City: Fargo
Remote Name:
Date: Wednesday November 05, 2003
Time: 11:47:05 PM
Hey Jeff, out of state hunters don't spend as much money in ND as you think. They come with everything they need, ok i guess maybe gas and lodgeing but what else. What they do is make it exspensive for the people who live here.
name: Tightline
city: Northwood
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 11/05/2003
Time: 01:43:03 PM
I hope the Coulee is not all chained up. That is one of my favorite spots during first ice. I am going to go check it out. Good luck.
name: Bull Frog
city: West Fargo
Area: Canada
Date: Wednesday November 05, 2003
Time: 01:11:20 PM
Bob, you are the man! We went up Saturday Nov 1. Cold, Cold,Cold! and so was the fishing. The river dropped three feet while we were there and the North boat ramp had a gravel bar around it when we were leaving. Sorry to say we never had the luck you did and all we caught were small sauger. Guess I have the cold hand.
Name: chris heyen
City: Abercrombie
: Heyen@rrt.net
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Date: Tuesday November 04, 2003
Time: 10:56:17 AM
I went hunting for the first time this year for pheasants. I an 13 . I almost got my limit .I think its fun
name: Tom
city: Grand Forks
lake_river: English Coulee-Grand Forks
Date: 11/03/2003
Time: 01:33:18 PM
has anyone been out to the Coulee lately? I hear it is all chained up.
name: mike
city: devils lake
Remote Name:
Date: 11/02/2003
Time: 04:32:49 PM
Fishing was good late in Oct until the weather got real cold fished 281 north of minnewaukan from shore exclusively. Northerns and eyes both some real nice but not fast action. Very cold the last couple days 4 degrees I heard from my nieghbor. shallow protected areas frozen over won't be long I hope before we cut holes.
name: Bob Armstrong
city: Winnipeg
Area: Canada
: bobandann1@shaw.ca
Date: Friday October 31, 2003
Time: 08:12:46 PM
The Greenbacks are hitting hard between Selkirk and Lockport on the Red.
Last Wed. Oct. 29, Cold, Cold, Cold, but in 2 hrs. on the water had 3 7 pounders, 1 8 pounder, and 2 master angler 9.5 pounders. [all cvatch and release.]
Jig(White 1/8oz.) and minnow were doing the trick. Dress warm and get them while you can.
Name: outdrznd
City: SE ND
: outdrznd@hotmail.com
Remote Name:
Date: Friday October 31, 2003
Time: 06:02:49 PM
New Hunter...... I am a ND resident who is willing to state that you are 100 percent accurate in your writing. I feel as you do with one exception: Farmers do get subsidies from taxpayers not just for crp land but for EVERY crop they plant. These are known as deficiency payments. I am not able to acquire deficiency payments if I make less this year compared to past year(s). If we could put ourselves in their shoes and be able to bitch about the poor wages and employee cut backs as they complain about the poor prices for their product, then maybe we could get the politicians to pass legislation to provide cash payments to us as well made possible by selling crops to foreign lands as "food for charity". I hope you understand my point here, I don't mean to belittle farmers or anyone else but do feel if our taxes go to help them financially why can't we use their crops stored to acquire deficiency payments as a means for generating assistance for the common working folk in tough times??
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