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name: ProGuide
city: Grand Forks
Area: Comment
Date: Saturday October 09, 2004
Time: 08:46:24 PM
Hey Katfish,
I have some time Sunday morning to hit the red. If interested email me brad@proguidemarketing.com
Name: Chad
City: Willmar
Date: Saturday October 09, 2004
Time: 12:07:58 AM
Iam planing a trip to north dakota on the 18-24. I was wondering if any one new a good spot to hunt waterfowl. I will also need a place to stay. If any one could help me e-mail at getterdone55@yahoo.com
name: Scott-The Admin
city: Grand Forks
Date: Thursday October 07, 2004
Time: 12:07:17 AM
Yep...it's a scam.
Don't do it!
name: Dan
city: Grand Forks
Date: Wednesday October 06, 2004
Time: 11:55:14 PM
I recently put up for sale a dozen cary-lite magnum goose shells on this website, and a couple other North Dakota outdoor websites. Almost immediately after I posted them a guy from Taiwan e-mailed me saying that he wanted them. So I e-mailed him with the price and he sent me this e-mail back.
Thanks for the quick comply regarding this sale,so am okay with the price stated in your last mail but which is $90 and the condition at present Dont worry about the shipment, I have arrange with a shipping company that will come for the pick up in your location.I want you to send me more pics I want you to render this help as far as this sale is concern,i have a business partner that want to send me the payment of $1500 and he will send the cheque out to you as the mode of payment , once you have the cheque of $1500 deduct your funds and forward the balance of the fund through WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER to the shipping company that will come for the pickup,if my payment terms are I want you to provide me with the information below: FUL L NAME THAT W ILL BE ON THE CHEQUE................ PERSONAL ADDRESS(NOT P.O.BOX).. ... . ......... .... . CITY..... ........ STATE............ ZIPCODE.................. CELL ,HOME AND WOR K PHONE NUMBER........... I will like to know if i can trust you by sending the shipper's fund. Expecting your quick response back asap. Thanks
I think it is a scam. What do you think? Are there even geese in Taiwan
Name: stumped
City: outside fargo
Date: Wednesday October 06, 2004
Time: 05:07:31 PM
Hey, I have an antelope tag and need to know where to go. Went west last weekend and didn't see a thing. Looking for help.
Name: Stuck in Fargo
City: Souris North Dakota
Date: Wednesday October 06, 2004
Time: 12:56:11 PM
name: Ed "Backwater Eddy"
city: Horace
Area: Canada
Date: Wednesday October 06, 2004
Time: 09:58:30 AM
Here is a report from Stu at "Cats on the Red" that will interest you Greenback hunters.
10-05-2004 09:06 AM ----- Just a quick update on what's been happening on the Red so far this fall.
With the increased flow my predictions for a strong showing of 'eyes is now being realized. For example last week from Monday thru Saturday one of my top guides produced a total of Fourteen trophy 'eyes between 28 to 33 inches! That's more than all my guys did last fall!
With the continued sunny weather coming our way, this week should be fantastic!
Stu McKay
Sounds very encouraging guys!
name: ProGuide
city: Grand Forks
Area: Comment
Date: Monday October 04, 2004
Time: 11:16:22 PM
Let me know what you have in mind.
name: Katfish
city: Grand Forks
Area: Grand Forks
Date: Monday October 04, 2004
Time: 09:12:16 PM
Proguide, Got to jet to Denver until Saturday pm. Have to support my fishing habit you know. A cold one and some fishing talk sounds great!! Where do you usually hang out for beer and talk?
name: Scott
city: Iowa
Area: Canada
Date: Monday October 04, 2004
Time: 04:28:13 PM
How is the fishing in Manitoba on the Red? Are the Greenbacks in yet and what are you catching them on?
name: Scott
city: Iowa
Area: Canada
Date: Monday October 04, 2004
Time: 04:23:16 PM
How is the fishing around Lockport? Are the greenbacks in yet? If so what are you catching them on?
name: ProGuide
city: Grand Forks
Area: Grand Forks
Date: Saturday October 02, 2004
Time: 10:50:25 PM
With Bow season upon us time is harder to come by. Why don't you send me an email when you are available next week and we'll go from there. If worse comes to worst we can have a cold one and tell some fish stories. You've been to Lockport so I know you have some stories.
name: Katfish
city: Grand Forks
Area: Grand Forks
Date: Saturday October 02, 2004
Time: 10:14:39 AM
Guys, I read what Kent aid about the Red Lake River Dam in East Grand Forks. According to the regulations that I read, if you have a North Dakota license, you are allowed to have two lines up to the first vehicular crossing. It is considered a "boundary water" up to that point. If you have a Minnesota license, obvious;y you are restricted to one line. Up at Drayton, if you are fishing from shore, you are only allowed one line from the boat ramp up to the restricted area below the dam. Look up the regulations guys and if I'm wrong, let me know, but this is my understanding of the regulations.
Proguide......When would you like to wet a line?
name: Ben
city: Dickinson
Date: Friday October 01, 2004
Time: 12:25:50 PM
Is the lake being so low affecting the fishing out there?
name: Ben
city: Dickinson
Date: Friday October 01, 2004
Time: 12:24:02 PM
I the lake being so low affecting the fishing out there?
name: Im@h2o
city: nwminn
Area: Comment
Date: Thursday September 30, 2004
Time: 07:42:16 PM
That stretch is also,one rod only.Their picky on that too!Have fun and Good Luck. h2o
Date: Thursday September 30, 2004
Time: 05:59:20 PM
name: Dan
city: Grand Forks
Area: Grand Forks
Date: Thursday September 30, 2004
Time: 04:43:03 PM
Thanks for the advance, I'll give it a try. And don't worry Kent, I have both an ND and MN license.
name: Kent Hollands
city: Grand Forks
Area: Grand Forks
Date: Wednesday September 29, 2004
Time: 10:19:17 AM
Dan, Just a warning, if your going to fish half way between the Red and the Dam on the Red Lake River you had better have a MN fishing license. A ND one won't do any good there since that is inland waters. The line runs along the red, so the point below the bridge to a shore point somewhere towards the boat ramp in the border water. I hope you understand what I'm telling you, I have heard of people getting a ticket for fishing in this area thinking it was border water.
Good luck and tight lines oh and 4oz would be better under the dam area if your in the heavey current.
name: ProGuide
city: Grand forks
Area: Grand Forks
Date: Wednesday September 29, 2004
Time: 09:47:47 AM
With the higher water the fish seem to spread out a bit more because they are up on the flooded shore and in the faster moving water looking for food. Not to mention that cats are eating to get ready for their winter naps. Keep fishing the fish are out and they are hungry. Four onces might be the ticket by the Red Lake confluence.
When are we going to wet a line?
name: Katfish
city: Grand Forks
Area: Grand Forks
Date: Wednesday September 29, 2004
Time: 08:20:19 AM
Dan, The fishing is a little slower with the higher river level, but I was out on Saturday and managed to catch a pretty decent number of cats, although I had trouble finding the bigger ones. A 10# was my biggest. That's how it goes. I was catching them under snags and in holes. Lots of bites. The best bait on that day was cut suckers. I fished a lot of places, but if I was fishing from shore, I'd fish below the Red Lake River Dam. I marked lots of fish in there and caught several cats. They tend to stack in there when water levels are on the high side and it's easily accessible from shore. Go about halfway up between the Red river and the dam and you should catch some. Also, if you are trying to fish on the bottom, you may want to use heavier weights, probably 3 ounces or so because the current is really strong right now. Good Luck!!!
name: Dan
city: Grand Forks
Area: Grand Forks
Date: Tuesday September 28, 2004
Time: 11:56:10 AM
Has anything been biting around Grand Forks. I've heard its been slow, and all the rain can't be helping. Now that's its a bit nicer, if anyone knows where there might be biting cats or walleye, it be aprecciated. I'd like to try to get out sometime in between all the rain. I fish from shore by the way.
name: Grandson
city: Grand Forks
Date: Monday September 27, 2004
Time: 05:09:27 PM
Fishing on Lake Darling is very spotty at best over the past few years. Either you hit them hard or you go home empty handed. My Grandpa lives in Greene, which is right on the lake, and he hasn't caught hardly a thing all year so far. When they have caught some northerns they are BIG ones but they are few and far between. We just cant figure out what happened to that lake because it used to be great fishing. It is one GREAT mystery what happened.
We used to catch a lot of northerns on dare devils either black and white or red and white ones. That and we would throw out a smelt line and let that sit on the bottom while we are casting. Ask some locals that are fishing when you are there because a lot of them will tell you what they are using.
Good luck and let me know if you catch anything.
Name: Adam
City: dickinson
Date: Monday September 27, 2004
Time: 11:29:46 AM
I know some one who has a 3 bed room house on a farm and is looking to rent it out to hunters for the up coming hunting season. I was just curious if any one could tell me where he might be able to post this? The pheasant hunting is great and the house is fully furnished.
Thanks for your help Adam,
P.S Email is eckert78@hotamil.com
name: Nathan Niggleton
city: undisclosed
lake_river: Tamarac River
Date: 09/25/2004
Time: 10:26:53 PM
caught a massive Catfish which weighed easily 5kg. I am a legend!!! Nathan Niggleton rules!! carn the mighty pies
name: Niggle Naths
city: Idaho
lake_river: Sheyanne River
Date: 09/25/2004
Time: 10:24:19 PM
caught a lot of fish on bait.
name: Canuck
city: Lockport
Area: Canada
Date: Thursday September 23, 2004
Time: 10:36:23 PM
The kitties are still bitting and better yet the greenbacks are showing up. A friend was out yesterday morning and landed 20 in the morning from 7 til noon then went cattin in the afternoon. He was out this morning and caught I believe 16 in the morning. I fished on Tuesday in the afternoon and the guy I had out got tired and we lost count but it was diffently over 20 kitties. It may be getting late in the year but the kitties are still feeding and the greenbacks are really starting to show up.
name: ladyfishhawk
city: dickinson
Date: Wednesday September 22, 2004
Time: 09:49:33 PM
looking for a good map of Lake Tschida. Can anyone tell me where to find one, tonight?
name: Reg McGiffin
city: Grand Forks
Area: Grand Forks
Date: Wednesday September 22, 2004
Time: 09:41:11 PM
Heading to Grand Forks, Drayton or Lockport on a fishing trip save on No Roll sinkers. I have 1oz - 1 1/2oz - 2oz - 3oz - 4oz - 5oz - 6oz and 8oz available for immediate delivery Phone 701-772-0369 or send email regmcg@gra.midco.net
Also available Duck Decoy weights 4 oz 5 oz 6 oz and 8 oz mushroom style
name: Reg McGiffin
city: Grand Forks
Area: Grand Forks
Date: Wednesday September 22, 2004
Time: 09:37:16 PM
Heading to Grand Forks, Drayton or Lockport on a fishing trip save on No Roll sinkers. I have 1oz - 1 1/2oz - 2oz - 3oz - 4oz - 5oz - 6oz and 8oz available for immediate delivery Phone or send email regmcg@gra.midco.net
Also available Duck Decoy weights 4 oz 5 oz 6 oz and 8 oz mushroom style
name: ProGuide
city: Grand Forks
Area: Canada
Date: Tuesday September 21, 2004
Time: 08:53:30 PM
Go ahead and call Stu. You will be hitting the tail end of the cats but hey they call it fishing and it is supposed to be fun. The weather is a bit cooler but the kitties should be around for a week or two longer. Bring your walleye gear and your cat gear then everything is covered. The cats are on, we managed 17 in a day with about a 20 pound average on Sunday. And that was fighting some weather conditions.
name: John
city: Lincoln Ne
Area: Canada
Date: Monday September 20, 2004
Time: 10:04:13 PM
We are still thinking of going to Lockport and staying at Cats on the red next week. Can you give any infomation, Fishing reports and we'll take any opinions on going this late in the run. We grately appreciate it,
How much is a canada fishing license? What kind of bait works well?
name: ProGuide
city: Grand forks
Area: Canada
Date: Monday September 20, 2004
Time: 09:54:31 AM
Well the last trip to Lockport of the year started off slow but ended with a bang. It took half the day and fighting wind and watching a thunderstorm to finally find the pattern but when we found it hang onto the rods. Unfortunatly work came into play and we had to leave.
Thanks again to Stu and Canuck for your hospitality when we were there. You always make a good trip better.
name: don
city: west fargo
Date: Sunday September 19, 2004
Time: 11:39:02 PM
hey everyone i am planing a trip to lake sakakawea looking for salmon can anyone help me are they biteing yet ?give me a message at hardwoods_1@yahoo.com
thank you for your help
name: Canuck
city: Lockport
Area: Canada
Date: Sunday September 19, 2004
Time: 11:05:14 PM
Nebraska Cat Man: I will be off moose hunting from the 26th til the 2nd Oct but I am sure Stu McKay at Cats on the Red would help you out. The kitties still seem to be hungry and there are 8 guys up from Nebraska for the next 4 days to fish cats and I am sure they will do well. What I would do is make the drive and bring your walleye gear as well. I would fish the walleye (we call them greenbacks) in the morning on the east side of bouy 35 then switch to the evening for cats. Give Stu a call at 204-757-9876 or check his website, which is catsonthered.net If I was still around I would give U a hand, but if U do make the trip let me know before the weekend and I will try and give U some ideas where to try for the kitties.
As Katfish said the last couple of days has been the warmest of all summer.
name: Katfish
city: Grand Forks
Area: Canada
Date: Sunday September 19, 2004
Time: 11:00:09 AM
Nebraska Cat Man, I think it'd be a great trip for you. Temps up here are going to be close to 90 today and they were barely this warm all summer. Go for it man. The fishing should be great. You've been reading the info on here about how to do it and what to expect. You'll have a great time and I guarantee you...you will be back. Maybe Canuck and the guys can fill you in on what's going on up there before you arrive. Have a blast!!!
name: Nebraska Cat Man
city: Lincoln
Area: Canada
Date: Sunday September 19, 2004
Time: 09:50:20 AM
Hey, does anyone think it will be too cold to make a 12 hour trip from Nebraska to Lockport the week of Sept. 27th. I have this week off and I have never fished at lockport, but I have always wanted to. I just wonder what you all think of this trip this time of the year? I know the water temp will be down and the Temperature will be in the 50s. Is this a crazy ideal that we can catch Cats this late in the run? Is there hope? Or is there somewhere else that we can catch a bunch?
Thank You.
name: Katfish
city: Grand Forks
Area: Grand Forks
Date: Saturday September 18, 2004
Time: 09:54:41 PM
ProGuide, Thanks but I'll be on the road all week. I need to pay for my fishing habit somehow. Have a great time in Lockport. I look forward to hearing how you did. Take care my friend.
name: ProGuide
city: Grand Forks
Area: Grand Forks
Date: Saturday September 18, 2004
Time: 09:43:17 PM
I would love to hit the river with you however as luck would have it I'm heading to Lockport to catch some big kitties and say hi to Canuck. I have spent some time out lately in GF and the cats have been really biting in the wood piles and last weekend they were out on the current breaks. It seems that they are finally moving into summer patterns here this past week. figures! Everything else is a month behind. Send me an email and we'll get together sometime this next week. brad@proguidemarketing.com
name: ProGuide
city: Grand Forks
Area: Grand Forks
Date: Saturday September 18, 2004
Time: 09:43:10 PM
I would love to hit the river with you however as luck would have it I'm heading to Lockport to catch some big kitties and say hi to Canuck. I have spent some time out lately in GF and the cats have been really biting in the wood piles and last weekend they were out on the current breaks. It seems that they are finally moving into summer patterns here this past week. figures! Everything else is a month behind. Send me an email and we'll get together sometime this next week. brad@proguidemarketing.com
name: Katfish
city: Grand Forks
Area: Grand Forks
Date: Saturday September 18, 2004
Time: 06:25:41 PM
Proguide and Canuck, Thanks my friends. Proguide...Have you been fishing at Grand Forks lately? I finally got some time to get out tomorrow morning. I hear they are still hanging out in the snags. I haven't gotten a chance to get out here for a couple of weeks. The nice weather has me thinking some great fishing.
name: ProGuide
city: Grand Forks
Area: Canada
Date: Saturday September 18, 2004
Time: 06:09:19 PM
Canuck just hit it right on the head. During the day you have to move around quite a bit but when nightfall comes along and you find the fish you get the luxury of staying put and banging those big girls. My first trip north yielded the same result as yours but when you learn the area and figure out what to look for (I think you have it pegged) and follow Canucks guidelines of times to fish you'll be on this site complaining of sore arms.
name: ladyfishhawk
city: dickinson nd
Date: Saturday September 18, 2004
Time: 01:02:20 PM
wanting to go up to McKenzie Bay or Skunk tomorrow. Anybody on here have any comments? Anybody on here today?
name: ladyfishhawk
city: Dickinson
Date: Saturday September 18, 2004
Time: 12:58:35 PM
What's going on with fishing at Mckenzie Bay? Or Skunk?
name: Canuck
city: Lockport
Area: Canada
Date: Saturday September 18, 2004
Time: 09:55:17 AM
Katfish: No I did NOT take it as you bad mouthing the fishing at all, I was just making some sugguestions.
I was lucky in the sense that my wife will NOT fish up by the dam so I was forced to study the areas to the north of Lockport. When U come back next spring give a shout and we can sugguest some other areas as well as there are NO secrets I keep, there are lots of spots to fish and if somebody is on one then I just move on. Infact yesterday we found a couple of new spots.
The pattern that U sugguested is right on. It has got to the point that we sometimes say catch 3 fish and pack up and move and don't waste your time. Now, the nite bite is something else.
name: Katfish
city: Grand Forks
Area: Canada
Date: Saturday September 18, 2004
Time: 08:41:06 AM
Guys, Thanks for all the tips. I'm not trying to badmouth the fishing up at Lockport. It is an exceptional fishery and Stu is a wonderful host. I wish I lived there. I did fish downriver most of the time. The pattern was to find good looking structure, mark some fish, catch one or two and find another good looking spot and the same would happen. It took me a while to figure the pattern, I admit. I would recommend to anyone that loves catching big cats to make the trip. It was only my first time up to Lockport, but it was definitely the first of what I hope will be many trips up there.
name: Ed "Backwater Eddy"
city: Fargo
Area: Comment
Date: Saturday September 18, 2004
Time: 12:11:55 AM
Nope, your right on the mark Canuck.
When convenience dictates the time you chose to fish it often differs from the times the cats have in mind. I like the night bite and the early hours, everything is on the move. If the bite is very hot it can stay good all day, yet you still see peek times and on average it will be early and late.
Early spring the mid day bite may be the deal. Mostly due to warming water that cools off again in the evening. That would be one exception I guess?
name: Canuck
city: Lockport
Area: Canada
Date: Friday September 17, 2004
Time: 11:01:47 PM
Katfish: Somedays they are slow but as Stu mentioned U have to be flexible and move. The dam is NOT the only place to fish. One thing the normal person has over those of us that guide is the time of day that you go fishing. Most and I mean most clients want to fish between 8AM and 5 PM, well, if I was to go fishing myself, I would be out about an hour before sun up and fish until about 10AM then get a few ZZZZZZZsss then hit the water around 6PM and fish until 2AM. Cat fish are by far more active on the feed in the night time. I believe the biggest reason we have to keep moving in the day time is we find a few fish are alittle bit hungry but the others are just sitting down waiting so we get those few and the the others just nibble. At first light or in the early evening they are hungry and have their bibs on. It is unreal how few catfishermen (persons) hit the waters at these times. If you don't believe me ask the two Brads and Jason of Grand Forks who came out with me last spring and fished the flats in the evening. They couldn't keep the fish off the hooks and in the day time the fish were just nibbling.
Eddy, am I wrong?????
name: ProGuide
city: Grand forks
Area: Canada
Date: Friday September 17, 2004
Time: 03:48:32 PM
Have you ever been to Lockport before?
I realize that fishing is fishing and things change. In my experience when you get away from the dam up there you have to be at the top of your game to keep on the cats. It took a few trips for me to figure that out but overall it has made me a much better catman overall.
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